Story Book | Teen Ink

Story Book

May 25, 2016
By Jakeyboy BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
Jakeyboy BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
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Little timmy went to school one day and wanted to ride a bike. He saw all of his other friends getting their bikes and riding them , so he decided he wanted one too.

Timmy told his parents that he wanted a bike, and his parents agreed he should get one since he was old enough now.

They went to the store, and Timmy picked out a shiny, red bike. 

When they got home, Timmy’s parents taught him how to ride the bike.  He was a little shaky at first, but after a while he was pretty good at it.

The next day Timmy decided to ride his bike to school. 

He pedaled fast so he would get there before the other kids. 

Timmy was almost to the school when something terrible happened.  He hit a rock and crashed his brand new bike. 
His hands were cut and his knees were bleeding.

All of his friends saw what had happened.  Timmy ran home and cried.

His parents asked him what was wrong and he told them what had happened.  They reassured him that everything would be ok and that he just had to be a little more careful next time.

They drove Timmy to school and dropped him off.  All of his friends greeted him with a smile.  They told him how cool his bike was and that they all wanted one just like it.  They didn’t care that Timmy had fallen, and Timmy liked that.

The next day, Timmy rode his bike to school again.  He was more careful this time and didn’t crash.  He learned that it’s ok to make a mistake sometimes and that just because you fail at something one time doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t try it again.

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