Dabert Lafferty | Teen Ink

Dabert Lafferty

May 25, 2016
By Dabert BRONZE, Katy, Texas
Dabert BRONZE, Katy, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Dabert Lafferty. He was 16 years old and very tall for his age; he had long black hair, brown eyes, a handlebar mustache, he was also very  strong, and he was a very big troublemaker in school…

(One year later) “DABERT!”, yelled Mrs.Namlaw; Dabert quickly turned around to see Mrs.Namlaw furiously stomping her way over since Dabert had yet again pulled another prank.. “Dabert, that's the last straw!”, Mrs. namlaw said coolly,”You’re expelled from campus, Dabert.”  Dabert hopelessly left the school grounds.

    For the next six months Dabert desperately tried to get administrated to the school, until one day he gave up. As he approached his home it started to get dark, but he saw a dim light coming from inside his house.Dabert rushed inside to investigate the mysterious light. When he got inside he went to his kitchen first, then to his bedroom, then the study room, and his bathroom, he practically tore the house before he finally went in the backyard and discovered that an old woman was the source of the dim light. Dabert hesitantly asked, “who are you?” the old woman looked at Dabert and walked toward him  without saying a word and Dabert started to get frightened. Dabert pulled up his fists and punched the old lady in the face. The old woman stumbled back with her hand over her face. For a while she stood there and held her hand in her face until she finally stood up straight again and said painfully,”I am your fairy Godmother Dabert I here to grant you wishes.”  Dabert was overjoyed with the news and thought about what he would wish for.For Dabert’s first wish he wanted to be able to live forever. Secondly he wanted to be the richest person alive, and then he wanted to be readministered to the school he had been expelled from. Dabert’s Fairy Godmother granted his wishes exactly and left.
The next day Dabert left for school in a limo and ate perfect pizza with 10 glasses of wine as he arrived everyone gathered around to say hi and high five Dabert. Mrs.Namlaw was at the front door when Dabert walked in and she was furious that the school had re-administered Dabert.  Ignoring the furious look Mrs.Namlaw was giving him Dabert bravely walked past Mrs.Namlaw, because he was going to be one of the best kids in the school from now on and not give her any reason to expel him ever again.

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