Dear Vietnam Vet, | Teen Ink

Dear Vietnam Vet,

March 12, 2018
By ReneBlaire GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
ReneBlaire GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Vietnam Veteran,

Whether you were for the war or against, you fulfilled your duty. Yet, you were unwelcomed when returning home. I can’t imagine how it must of felt to uproot your life to fight for your country and in return you are disrespected. What I’m trying to say is, Welcome home.

My name is Rene Blair and I’m a junior is high school. With college closing in on me, I plan to go for an accounting major. The thought of getting drafted into the military around my age is shocking. You gave up the chance of going to college and doing what you want. Although, you made a commitment to our country and kept it, which is remarkably  brave and courageous. To me, you are a hero.

You fought in a long war, you saved lives, and changed lives. My grandpa’s brother died in World War II while flying back. They were excited the war was over and went to fly back home. However, it was hazy fog and their plane crashed into the side of a mountain, killing him. My grandpa’s family was devastated. I can’t imagine how devastated you were when you came back and your family ignored you and maybe were even ashamed of you.

All in all, you fought for this country in all the ways you can. You fought for our privileges that, today, people take for granted.  You fought for our rights that we have today, as citizens, and I will never forget that. Thank you for all you have done for our country. Welcome home.


          Rene Blair

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