How to Have a Victorious Team | Teen Ink

How to Have a Victorious Team

May 24, 2018
By Jones7 PLATINUM, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Jones7 PLATINUM, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
22 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Pocketful of talented players
Several strong leaders
One expert Coach
A truckful of wins
One loss to get the team focused before the playoffs
A sprinkle of knowledgeable trainers
A gym with the state of the art equipment
An ocean of beautiful days
Along with one safe shelter for days that are not so nice
One schedule with everything that is going on
One site for the team
A mound of intense, strong, and fun practices


Before the season begins, make sure that you (the team) have players who have practiced and have some experience. Take one expert and knowledgeable coach who motivates his players and prepares the team for every practice and game. Then find several strong leaders who will take control of the team and get them focused. A desirable option would be for the coaches to post a schedule on the team’s private website to let them know what will happen throughout the season. In case several players have sprinkles of personal trainers that will help them, let them in for the team. Before each game, make sure that all of your players get a mound of intense, strong, and fun practices in them so that they know who to look out for and what actions the team will take during gameday. Keep in mind (especially if it is an outdoor sport) that the coach needs to check the weather regularly because for practice, you must have an ocean of beautiful days. Otherwise, for the days that are not so nice, make sure to get the team into a shelter where they will be safe from the storm. On gameday, be sure to get a truckload of wins, as this will help boost your team’s strength. However, if you want to, get your team only one loss (mainly against a team that the coach knows is good, because otherwise, the team will not play as good against a team who is not as good in the first place) so that they will be focused before the playoffs. To make the team even better overtime, repeat every step for future seasons with new players to have one of the strongest and toughest teams ever.

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