How to Make a Friendship for Introverts | Teen Ink

How to Make a Friendship for Introverts

May 22, 2018
By kzunk GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
kzunk GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A normal day
A reason to speak
A garden of friendliness
1 moment of confidence
A heap of jokes
A portion of shared interests


Go about your day as normal, soon, you’ll see you sit near someone just as quiet as you.
Use your reason to speak with them, and speak to them. Be friendly, it is key to making a friendship spark.
Make sure they are interested, if not, move on. 
Next, use a moment of confidence, and speak with them again. Once again, use your friendliness to learn their interests, hobbies, etc.
Repeat step 3 however many times needed for you two to do this regularly.
Now that you two conversate regularly, test the water, make fun of them and/or you lightly. Making fun of the other, and/or yourself,  is the next step to pushing a blooming friendship to the next level.
You’re almost there! Now that you know their interests, invite them out somewhere, like the movies for example. This is the time to use your shared interests and have fun with them.
Repeat step 7 as many times as needed for a long lasting friendship.

The author's comments:

This is an "uncommon" recipe. 


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