Bad Choices | Teen Ink

Bad Choices

May 15, 2018
By madyy BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
madyy BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Something needs to be fixed! My daughter thinks everything is about her and thinks she can do whatever and it's okay. Sometimes she leaves the house and hours later I will be looking for her and she isn't there. She will walk back into the house like nothing happened, and we didn’t care about what she was doing. We all thinks she leaves with her friends and does drug because she seems to always act different. One day i called her school and asked if she was in class and i found out she has been sneaking out of school and going to her bestfriends house that has dropped out of school. She isn’t a good role model for my daughter. Is this girl making my daughter be someone she isn't? I think she needs to make a better choice of friends, but she never cared about what we had to say cause she seemed to think we was dumb and didn’t know anything. That day i waited for her to get off the bus, 20 minutes after the bus was supposed to be here she still hasn't showed up i just thought it was running a little behind. But after a while i knew that she must have not got onto the bus, she might have known that she was gonna be in big trouble when she got home. We had a tracker on her phone to find out where she was but she must have turned her phone or location off because it showed she wasn't connected to it. So we just waited we knew she might come home sooner or later. That night she never showed up we started to worry, what if she got in trouble? Or is she just trying to stay away from us. She is only 15 so she can't be doing much this late at night. But i was wrong, i found out she had been drinking all night and someone stole her phone from her. Right then i went to her bestfriends house she had been at and picked her up. Walking right into that house she seen me and her  mouth dropped and her eyes got real big! She was shocked! We got into the car and told her i was very disappointed in her and told her she wasnt getting a new phone until she straightens her act up. I knew this might work because even taking her phone for an hour kills her so i know this will work with her not having one at all. She didn’t seem to care but i knew after a while she will be bugging me about it but i won’t give in this time. The night day i had to take her to school and i had to watch her walk in because who knows what she would do. After a couple days she seem to have her act right and was acting like herself again, she still isn't getting anything cause then she will think she can act out again after she gets her phone  back. I went outside and made her pick a flower showing after she picked it she killed it. So it shows after so many times of stressing her mother out something bad could evently happen. She said she was sorry and started crying because she didn't think she was stressing me out so much and how much i worried about her. Now she comes home everyday have good grades in school and have made a better choice of friends she hangs out with.

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