Teen written fiction in a variety of genres | Teen Ink


Top voted Fiction

#104671voted by our readers
Holmdel, New Jersey

The first time I passed the old man on the corner with a saxophone, I didn’t spare him a second glance. I was on my way to school, and nearly late at that. Like the other city-goer...
WaWa29 SILVER, Holmdel, New Jersey
9 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Words are the pen of the heart, but music is the pen of the soul." ~Shneur Zalman

#104672 Fiction
By Anonymous
#104673 Fiction
By beanzaronii SILVER
Downers Grove, Illinois
beanzaronii SILVER, Downers Grove, Illinois
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Where words fail, music speaks." -Hans Christian Andersen

#104674 Fiction
By Anonymous
#104675 Fiction
By Anonymous
#104676 Fiction
By MargueriteAlley BRONZE
Durham, North Carolina
MargueriteAlley BRONZE, Durham, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments
summerorlowski BRONZE, Macomb, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments
#104678 Fiction
Spezlie BRONZE, Wright City, Missouri
1 article 1 photo 0 comments
#104679 Fiction
By yourlove-mywings SILVER
Yuma, Arizona
yourlove-mywings SILVER, Yuma, Arizona
7 articles 0 photos 36 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Pay attention to yourselves! If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him, and if he sins against you seven times in the day, and turns to you seven times, saying, ‘I repent,’ you must forgive him.” Luke 17:3-4

#104680 Fiction
By tfenton95 BRONZE
Clarkston, Michigan
tfenton95 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment