Aftermath | Teen Ink


November 30, 2018
By amandaenglishclass BRONZE, San Jose, California
amandaenglishclass BRONZE, San Jose, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“What are we gonna do!?”, Daisy said frantically as she got out of the car. In that moment i honestly didn’t know what we were gonna do but I needed to protect her, then the perfect idea came into my head.

“We can run away, this is the perfect chance let’s go now, we don’t have to tell anybody.”

“That’s ridiculous! We can’t just run away the police will look for me and eventually find us and we both will go to jail.” She seemed so worried but I saw a sense of relief in her face when I said those words.


“We can start packing now I will send a butler to your house to get your things and we will take my plane tonight somewhere will nobody will find us, I promise you will be safe.”

“Where will we go? Who will we tell? What about nick? Or Tom? They will know it was me and they will find us.”, said Daisy

“We can say goodbye to Nick he will understand, he can even come with us for all I care we just need to leave before someone comes looking for us.” I was so worried she was gonna say no and try to stay here and turn herself in. We would never be together if she does that, her life will be ruined, our life.

“Fine I will go. Please get Nick he needs to know the truth. We can trust him.” Daisy pleaded.

“I will have the butler call him right this minute and I will send a car for him to be brought to the house along with some of your belongings and we will get on the plane in an hour with or without him.”

While the butler was retrieving some of Daisy’s belongings and searching for Nick Daisy and me stayed in the house packing necessities. She couldn’t stop crying. I wanted to take away her pain and feel it myself so she wouldn’t have to. She was trying to comprehend what was going on while it was all still happening.

“What is Tom going to think? He will think i’m crazy, that I did this on purpose. It was all just a big accident i never meant for this to happen” Daisy sobbed. It worried me because she was worried only about what Tom would think.

“Don’t worry”, I said, “soon we will be far away from here and all of our problems, you will never have to worry about anything again.”

The butler walked in the door very abrupt followed by Nick and 4 big, heavy looking yellow luggages containing Daisy’s belongings. He hadn’t informed Nick about what was going on all he told him is that we needed him.

“What’s going on? I heard about the death? What happened.” Nick said in a rushed voice.

Daisy started to sob uncontrollably. “It was and accident I promise, she just came out of nowhere, I didn’t see her coming I promise it was an accident and then we just knew she was dead and I knew who it was and how it would look so I just drove off, it was an accident.” she was so frantic she was almost yelling while crying. NIck just looked at us in shock and came over to Daisy and hugged her.

As she was crying into his arms he asked me what I was going to do.

“We are going to leave town. I’m going to take us somewhere will we will never be found and we will start a new life together, me and Daisy, and you if you want to come with us. It can be the three of us starting fresh. Nobody will know us.” Nick looked unsure and I felt like I already knew what his answer would be.

“I can’t do that.” he said and when he did Daisy’s crys paused for a second and she looked up at him with disbelief.

“You have to Nick, this will be so much harder without you. What if they start questioning you and getting you involved it will be safer with us.” said Daisy.

“I can handle myself. I need to stay. I can keep you guys updated on what’s going on here and you can keep me updated on your new lives so I don’t have to worry” Nick said.

“Okay then old sport, it’s time for us to get going then. You can always come and visit say the words and I will put you on the next flight, this is our little secret.” I reached out to shake his hand and he surprised me with a hug. It was a very caring hug, something I had only ever felt from one other person. After that he went over to Daisy and they said their goodbyes.We all started walking toward the plane. Me and Daisy turned around to give one last look at what we were leaving behind.

“Goodbye old sport.” I yelled to Nick who was a couple feet behind us. He waved, and me and Daisy turned back around.

“After you” I said and I followed her up into the plane.

The author's comments:

Credit: A work of fanfiction inspired by Myrtle’s death in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

  My scene is after Myrtle’s death and Daisy and GAtsby go back to his house. It’s going to be the two of them deciding to run away together following the death in order to avoid punishment and to start new lives together. I decided to write it this way because i felt like it would be interesting in the real book if they had done this. It would have avoided Gatsby’s death and caused a lot of interesting side effects. It is written from Gatsby’s perspective and it includes 4 characters, Gatsby, Daisy, Nick, and the butler.

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