Naruto vs Sasuke Alternate Ending | Teen Ink

Naruto vs Sasuke Alternate Ending

October 24, 2021
By Anonymous

The ultimate battle between the two prodigies had been raging for 3 days. The two had just teamed together to defeat the God among this world. Naruto had thought that the two could finally reunite after so many long years, it would be the greatest day of his life. But Sasuke had other plans. His mind had been warped by the harsh reality of this cruel world, and he sought peace through different means. While Naruto wanted to become Hokage through peace and perseverance, Sasuke wanted to be Hoage and lead with dictatorship and for everyone. Quite obviously, Naruto would not let that happen.

 The two met at an ancient battleground where their first great battle took place, all those years ago. Each had one thing on their mind. Sasuke wanted to defeat Naruto, and Naruto wanted to save Sasuke. Both had used up more Chakra than anyone could have imagined, and absolutely destroyed the terrain. Neither had an ounce of energy, yet still fighting. Trading blow after blow, taking hit after hit, it was a matter of who fell first, because at this point no one was getting up. Naruto seemed so weak that one final chidori should do it, Sasuke thought. With every last ounce of Chakra, he charged his arm with lighting. With one swift movement, he drove it through Naruto's shoulder. Naruto collapsed, and Sasuke  passed out for 2 days right after. 

When Sasuke awoke, he saw Naruto lying beside him. He was still alive, but unconscious. “I’m sorry my friend.” He said to him as he flung him over his shoulder. He would not kill a defenseless man, but he knew Naruto would not let him follow through with his plans when he awoke. Naruto would have to be treated as a prisoner until he saw the one true way. Until he learned people cannot truly have peace without order. It pained Sasuke to imprison his brother, but it was for the good of the world. Sasuke had decided to let the world recover from the havok Madara wreaked, and then would set his plans into place. True order had dawned.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this piece because in the original show, Naruto defeated Sasuke and went on to lead the world to a peaceful, but boring state. I was always curious what would have happened had things panned out differently.

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Afra ELITE said...
on Feb. 26 2022 at 1:09 am
Afra ELITE, Kandy, Other
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Favorite Quote:
"A writer must never be short of ideas."
-Gabriel Agreste- (Fictional character- Miraculous)

This storyline is really beautiful...👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻