It Could Happen... (A Justin Bieber Story) | Teen Ink

It Could Happen... (A Justin Bieber Story)

April 4, 2011
By Anonymous

Skyler: Wants nothing to do with the populars. Wants Justin to be her friend not her enemy. Likes to make videos,Works in the school newspaper,Likes to write and read.
Justin: Bad boy/player. He plays with girls hearts and causes trouble. Likes to prank and tease Skylar. He kinda like likes her, But doesn't know if he could be a boyfriend. Likes to skateboard, Play basket ball (Is on the team).

The author's comments:
This is just a Justin Bieber story. I've read alot of them on YouTube.Um and decided to make one. So check out the YouTube ones as well. It's not all Justin Bieber there's other stars. But I'm addicted kinda cause their so good maybe you will be. Who knows.

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