Meeting Sierra | Teen Ink

Meeting Sierra

April 16, 2014
By SkyTekile PLATINUM, Tetonia, Idaho
SkyTekile PLATINUM, Tetonia, Idaho
30 articles 3 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be the change you wish to see in the world."

The other girl laughed, her feet propped up on a neighbouring chair as she scrolled through her phone. The girl was short and skinny, with dark tattoos lacing around her wrists and behind her ears, on her shoulders, neck, and arms. She had three piercings on her left ear and two on her right, and her eyes were heavily dosed with makeup. Her lips were glossed over pale pink, and half her head was shaved, the hair she had cascading in thick, rough layers to her shoulder. A similar necklace to Skylar's glinted around her neck, with a thicker, grungier chain and a shiny onyx background with metallic rims instead of Skylar's Union Jack and silver. She also wore several rings of skulls on the hand that wasn't covered by a ripped green army glove. Her eyes were a light brown, her hair dark brown, almost black. Her clothes were gothic punk style, all ripped and stitched and not the most modest. Black combat boots with gold spikes, a tight black ripped tee-shirt with rips and tears that were knotted together in random places, and bleach-white skinnies barely threading over the top of her thighs were pretty much pulling out a spiced grunge. She looked just like Skylar otherwise, complete with even a beanie, though hers was black instead of cream-coloured.
"Guys, check this out," she chuckled, showing her phone to the others as they leaned in. They laughed heartily, James whooping.
"Sierra, you're too good," Rogue snickered.
"I know." She said smugly, leaning back in her seat and returning to the screen.
"Hey, Rogue! How's it going?" Skylar called, almost not seeing her as she passed by.
"Hey, if it isn't good old Skylar," Ian smirked.
"What have you been up to mouse-top?" Rogue looked up at her, her blue eyes glowing amusement.
"Who the heck is-" James started.
"Can it, James." James looked at Rogue fearfully, backing off.
Sierra glanced up skeptically as she looked Skylar up and down, narrowing her eyes.
Skylar hesitated as she neared. "...Ah, you know, the usual... You?"
Harry appeared behind her, slipping an arm around her waist protectively and watching the other suspiciously.
Sierra's eyes sparked with dangerous jealousy as she spied Harry, and she tucked away her phone, swinging her feet down.
"I'm good, good, and look it's curly! How are you big brother?" She smirked in amusement.
"I'm not your brother.."
"I know, don't take it personal," Rogue flashed a toothy grin.
"You know him?" Sierra looked at her.
"Saved him out of a scrape, him and mouse-top, Ian got them into some trouble," she elbowed Ian in the ribs, him rolling his eyes and taking a drink of coffee.
"Mouse-top?" Skylar chuckled, sliding into a seat at a nearby table. Harry continued to stand, glaring at Ian as if daring him to say something smart towards them both.
"Curly, back off a bit, will ya?" Rogue narrowed her eyes, laying her feet down in Ian's lap, who glared at her in response.
"I don't want your feet on my lap," he snorted.
"Deal with it," Rogue snapped, sounding a lot like Tana.
Harry grunted, slowly sinking down into a seat and focusing his hardened gaze on the pedestrians milling about.
Skylar flicked his head scoldingly, and he stubbornly grabbed her hand, glancing from her to Ian and narrowing his eyes, holding her hand on his lap, making sure for Ian to see it. Skylar glared at Harry, kicking his foot.
"Knock it off," she hissed before turning back to the others.
"Ugh, I hate winter, can't jump into any water from bridges this time of year," James sniffed.
"You haven't jumped, we already solved that. No jump, no entry, Buckwheat," Rogue snickered, looking at Harry and Skylar. "No need to be so protective, curls. I've got Ian under control."
"Under control," Ian snorted, rolling his eyes. "I've found someone new, Harry, so stop acting so weird," Ian smirked, Rogue snickering.
Harry grumbled something incomprehensible, and Skylar smacked him, reddening. "Dude! It's Rogue, do you really think..."
He cracked a smile, turning away.
Sierra snickered disdainfully. "Oh, are you two in love? I never would have guessed. How's tour life, Barbie-Boy?" She smiled falsely, and James flicked food off his fork in their direction.
Harry puffed an airy laugh, raising his eyebrows skeptically and looking at Sierra with narrowed eyes.
"Yeah, it's great, now do you want me to sign something, love?"
She considered dramatically, battering her lashes and putting a finger to her chin, biting her lip and looking up.
"Ummm, sure, sign my boot? They look like yours, except less worn and with a bite of better style, huh, funny 'cause your name is Styles..." She slid her chair over, propping her foot up on the table and smirking at Skylar. Harry swallowed, surprised at the girl’s sudden closeness, embarrassed and trying not to look at her leg so much, as it was propped in front of him.
Skylar watched with mild interest, her eyes narrowing.
"Er," Harry blinked in surprise.
"Oh, right, you need a pen," Sierra giggled, sliding out a marker and trailing her hand along his leg to slide it into his free hand at his side, her eyes glinting mischievously as she watched him with teasing amusement.
His ears turned red, and he shifted uncomfortably, taking the marker hesitantly and signing the toe of her shoe. Sierra giggled, leaning over and kissing his cheek flirtatiously. "Thanks, hon! I like my kicks sooooo much more, and you're Harry Styles!" She laughed, slinging an arm around him and giving a quick squeeze, making a face and snapping a photo with her phone before skipping back to her own table, slumping down and kicking her feet up again, glancing at Harry.
She snickered. "Awe look, your boyfriend's turned pink," she winked at Skylar, who was gaping at her.
"Ugh, can it already," Rogue waved her hand in dismissal. James sat down almost obediently, but Sierra looked a little more hesitant.
"Since when did we have to start listening to you?" She snapped.
"Since Demetrii said so, remember him? Without him, you and the rest of us would still be homeless or in the orphanage. So I think you should listen to his wishes, and obey my command," Rogue purred, her blue eyes not to kind as she looked at Sierra. Rogue's face looked calm nearly joyful and cheery, her lips in a smile, but her eyes said she was dead serious, burning with a blue fire that wouldn't be extinguished. Sierra sat down, sighing as she put her head on the table.
"Anyways," Skylar said, a little concerned now. "Uh, we best be going, there's bread in the oven..."
"I've heard that one before," Sierra scoffed, snickering and winking at Harry. Harry shoved his hands in his pockets, shooting Sierra a warning glance.
"Seriously, though. We should go." Harry tugged on Skylar's sleeve.
"Mm, bye, have fun on tour and stuff, tell Zayn I said hi," Sierra winked, yawning boredly as she turned back to the others.
"Rogue..?" James looked up.
"What?" Rogue looked over at the eleven year boy expectantly.
"Can I come inside the compound tonight? PLEASE? I know I haven't jumped the bridge yet, but the cold... The cold, I can't stand it!" James' eyes widened as he waited for a response.
"You know the rules, no jump, no entry," Rogue looked down at her hand, her eyes troubled.
"But- you can jump in the winter! You'll hit the ice or break through and get hypothermia!" James squeaked. "Or you'll freeze at night.."
"It's not my place to decide, last till spring kid, and then try," she shook her head. "If a dark brown haired chick with a black streak of balck hair and green eyes can do it, so can you. Then again, I guess her brother just leave her forever," Rogue flicked another piece of food off the table, knowing exactly who she was talking about.
"But Rogue-" James started.
"No. Buts. SHE jumped in the winter, and she had a place to stay afterwards, where she ended up, I have no clue. I suppose she did get herself into a little bit of trouble," Rogue went rigid, the boy cowering. Harry froze.
Skylar was distracted, staring at Sierra as she mentioned Zayn. "Why, he your favourite?" She was asking with a sneer, so Harry broke away from her, gaping at Rogue, his fists clenched.
"No, my brother," Sierra shrugged. "Half-brother, actually. Why, you think I fancied both Curly and Zen?" She threw her head back in a laugh. "Don't look so surprised, hon. We're all in knowledge of my last act, and I tell you, it wasn't because I was joking. I won’t say I don’t have a thing for your little love-puppet."
Skylar glared at her, and her smile was wiped away, her brown eyes burning as she returned the glare.
Harry swallowed, focusing his attention back on Rogue. "...what was her name? Say it. Aloud."
"Something with a T," Rogue looked deep in thought, but amusement shined from her eyes. "T-A-N-A, Tana," she smirked, satisfied as she leaned back in her seat. "I could tell you stories of Tana that would straighten even your hair," Rogue laughed.
Harry clenched his jaw, staring carefully at Rogue.
"Lets go," he growled to Skylar, grabbing her arm and dragging her away.

The author's comments:
Just Directioner fanfiction. Enjoy, loves.

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This article has 3 comments.

on Jun. 4 2014 at 8:31 pm
SkyTekile PLATINUM, Tetonia, Idaho
30 articles 3 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be the change you wish to see in the world."

Thank you!

SkyTekTommo said...
on Apr. 22 2014 at 11:32 am
Haha thanks! Sierra gets on my nerves, she's actually one of my more annoying characters...

hector velez said...
on Apr. 21 2014 at 12:31 pm
hector velez, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
0 articles 0 photos 4 comments
grabbed my attention right away!