Farewell to Your Loved Ones | Teen Ink

Farewell to Your Loved Ones

November 11, 2014
By Clairethebatman BRONZE, Santa Clara, California
Clairethebatman BRONZE, Santa Clara, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I'm Batman

“Primrose Everdeen,” Effie called out. I was going to volunteer but I couldn’t. I was a mentor. I was Prim’s mentor.
“No!” I woke up screaming. It was a dream. Cinna was right next to me.”
“Morning Katniss,” Cinna said, “You ready for the reaping?”
“I don’t think I’m every going to be ready,” I said.
“Yea, I saw,” Cinna said as he walked me to the bathroom to get ready. Cinna and his team started to rip off my hair from all over my body, then rubbed me cleaned until I was like a skinned animal.
“I decided to go for a simple dress,” Cinna said as he took out the dress, “Since this isn’t something to celebrate about.” He had a dress that was similar to what I wore last year in the reaping.
“Look at you, all dressed up like an actual young lady,” said Heymitch. I drank from Heymitch’s cup. “Hey this is my booze,” said Heymitch as he took the glass from me.
“I need some advice on mentoring,” I said.
“Oh, who would have known this day would come, you asking me for advice,” said Heymitch as he poured himself another drink and buttered up the bread Peta made. “I would say that my best advice is not to get attached to them.”
“Then what is that going to do?” I asked in a frustrated tone.
“I’m the one with experience sweetie so shut up and listen to me,” Heymitch seemed to be thinking about something that pained him.
Peta and I stepped onto the stage after the mayor of the district 12 gave the same old speech about how the Hunger Games was created. “Happy Hunger Games,” Effie said cheerfully. I saw Prim in one of the crowd gasping as Effie walked to the girl’s bowl full of names. She picked a slip of paper and called, “Sarah Hutchunson.” I was relieved it wasn’t Prim. A Young girl stepped onto the stage. She had black hair and she was very thin as if she hasn’t eaten a thing in days. I knew that she was too young to die.
“Gabriel Duncan,” said Effie and another young boy walked towards the stage. “Now,” said Effie as she made Sarah and Gabriel face each other, “We have two brave tributes. Any volunteers?” There weren’t any movements or sound in the audience. “Okay then, Happy 75th Hunger Games. And may the odds be ever in your favor,” Sarah and Gabriel shook hands, sobbing.
It was usual on the train, tributes crying, Heymitch drinking, and Effie talking about the glamour of the capitol.
“So, since there are two mentors, you think we should take charge of one tribute?” Peta asked me carefully.
“Yea I think that would save time,” I said. I knew that the reason we were taking charge of separate person was because he didn’t wanted to interact with me since the incident in the last Hunger Games.
I was in charge of Sarah. She was weak and had almost no surviving skills. She just look at the other tributes in the training room stand in one place, shivering like a Chihuahua.
“Katniss,” said Sarah carefully, “Do you think I’m going to die in the arena?”
“Well, we don’t know that yet,” I said even though I knew. “Here take this.” I handed her my mocking jay pin.
“What’s this?” She asked.
“This is a mocking jay pin. I wore this to the arena last year. It will protect you,” I said.
“Thanks,” said Sarah.
Two peacekeepers came in and Sarah followed them into the plane.
“So, Katniss,” said Heymitch as he sat on the couch, “did you do what I told you to do?”
“Yea,” I weakly replied. I looked at the TV and found Sarah and 23 other tributes standing on the round platform. The timer showed 60 seconds.
“You don’t sound so sure of yourself,” Heymitch said. 30 seconds. I noticed that Sarah wasn’t wearing the pin. I stayed silent.
My heart started beating incredibly fast and my breath got heavier as if I was having a panic attack. 10 seconds. Sarah was leaning towards the cornucopia. Now I knew what was going to happen. She was trying to risk her like trying to get a simple backpack. Tears started streaming from my eyes. Next thing I saw was Sarah’s lifeless body in the arena.
“You didn’t follow my advice,” said Heymitch as he poured himself another drink. “I warned you but you decided to ignore it.”
I felt my tears streaming down my eyes.
“That’s all mentoring is,” Heymitch’s voice trembled as he talked. “Every year you love someone new and watch them die.”
Minutes later, President Snow walked in and handed me the mocking jay pin. “I’m sorry for your loss,” he said, “Miss Everdeen, I believe this is yours.” I saw a slight joy in his face. I took the pin and grasped it in my right hand.
“You see Katniss, there are no victory in this game,” said Heymitch. “Once your get out of that arena in one piece, you won’t ever get peace in your life. The odds are never in our favor.”
I pressed three middle fingers of my left hand together. I kissed it, and lifted it facing the TV where it had the picture of Sarah’s lifeless body.

The author's comments:

This is a squall to a to the first book of the Hunger Games series.

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