Batman and Spider man, Best Buds | Teen Ink

Batman and Spider man, Best Buds

December 11, 2015
By Balller6479 BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
Balller6479 BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

On a normal night in Gotham City, Batman was doing his normal thing staring into the night on top of a building thinking about his dead parents and how he has no friends. After 20 minutes he realized he was getting nothing done and told himself ¨I need to stop doing this so much¨ and went to the bat cave. On the way to the bat cave Batman runs into Spider man. They greet each other and talk for a little bit until Bat man offers Spider man to come to the bat cave. spider man says yes and they leave together to the bat cave. Batman was very happy. When they got to the bat cave they both discovered that they both love baking bread and went baking away. In 20 minutes they had made 500 loafs of bread. In an hour they had made 1,500 loaf of bread and sold them in the justice league and the Avengers. There biggest buyers Superman and Thor asked Spiderman and batman what they call this bread. They didn't have a name but then spiderman suggested  “Batsy's  and Spidey's Superhero bread!!”. They both agreed on it and became best friends.
As business owners Batman was more experienced at this and took more control than spider man over the business. This made spider man frustrated because him and batman started this whole thing together.
It was then Spider man started to make fun of Batman.Batman thought of this as a game and joined along.comment after another they kept making fun of each other until one day Batman decided to Prank call Spider man.When he called spider man answered and said “This is spider man.” “uh yes is uncle Ben there?”in the background spider man heard Batman laughing. that was when he knew it was batman.He responded and said “NO he’s at the theater with your parents!!” Then it got quiet. After a while Batman threatened him and spider man threatened him back then Batman asked “do you want to fight?!” spider man replies “let's go Bats me and you!” “Alright Gotham city capital at Midnight!”fine see you there!”
The Next day in Gotham City, Batman and spider man meet each other and agreed to have a fair fight  and that the winner would take over the business company and the title as a better super-hero. They began fighting normal fist to fist until spider man decided to  start slinging his webs at Batman. Batman quickly evaded them and threw his batarangs at him.It was madness when Batman started to trow explosive batarangs and blew up a toy shop and candy store. Then they met face to face on top of the tallest skyscraper in Gotham. just as they were about hit each other a blast of light hits in between them and knocks them both back. With both Batman and spider man confused where it came from they saw Something flying in the distance.It was Iron man!!  Only when he took off his mask it was actually NFL running back for the Seattle  Seahawks Marshawn Lynch!!!
When Spiderman and Batman asked him what he was doing here he explained to them.”well after I won the super bowl 28 - 0 against the Patriots I had heard you too were going to fight and that's not a good thing because for the longest time you too  have been the best of friends  and it’s a hard thing to watch you too fight each other.” then Batman says “well he made fun of my dead parents” Then spiderman jumps in and says “ But you started it making fun of my dead uncle!” Then Marshawn says”calm down guys we all need to know that hurting each other's feelings never feel good. Now both of you need to say sorry and put out your differences.They both said sorry and became best friends again.”and always remember that it’s better to walk with someone in the dark than walking alone in the light”. In the end spider man and batman decided to shut down batsey's and spidey’s superhero bread down.but they still made bread together every once in awhile. But batman and spider still wondered about one thing. How did Marshawn lynch get a iron man suit? so they asked him and he said it was a gift from Tony Stark and he also got a replica of all the Avengers weapons and costumes.

The author's comments:

It is always better to walk in the dark with someone (like Batman because he is the night)  than to walk alone in the light

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