The Stairs | Teen Ink

The Stairs

March 14, 2016
By audreylevine BRONZE, Jackson, New Jersey
audreylevine BRONZE, Jackson, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Persephone road up to the steps of her small room over the general store and chained her bike to the railing. The day was tiring, and the long walk up the steps was nearly unbearable. Austin's shoes were the first thing she noticed when she got to the door. She followed her way up his newly purchased jeans and faded black t shirt to look him in the eyes. He looked worn down, nearly as tired as she did. But there was something in his eyes that didn't match the way he looked; the way he looked at her made him seem refreshed and new, like he had just reached the top of a mountain after days of hiking.
“Hey, you look exhausted.” Persephone gave a small effortless smile in agreement.
“So you thought you’d just stop by for a while?” She fumbled with her keys and looked back up to him after finding the one she was looking for. Something about Austin being there made her nervous, the way he carried himself always made her feel small and unimportant. She held his gaze, Her tired eyes peering into his lively ones.
“I thought we could think of somewhere to go this weekend, on some sort of road trip or adventure or something if you wanted.” When she raised a curious eyebrow at him, he added “I think after everything that's happened with your family and you moving out to this place and all you should just get out a little and get things off of your mind.” It was true that Persephone was stressed out, living on her own was tuff, and going on a vacation with Austin would be perfect. She almost considered it, then remembered her mothers words from so many years ago, “You have supernatural energy, Persephone. It’s best you stay away from others until you can control it.”
“ I’ll think about it,” the lie flew right over Austin's head.
He placed a hand on the back of her neck, his skin hot against hers. He pulled her in close to him, his chin resting on the top of her head. He wondered if he’d gone too far, touching her and pressing his chest against hers like that. She wrapped her arms back around him, pushing her fingertips into his back muscles and readjusting her head on his chest. Apparently he hadn’t gone too far. He leaned in to kiss her. Persephone jumped back startled, nearly flinging herself down the stairs.
“I said no!” She rubbed her elbow where she hit it on the railing.
“yeah, like, 4 months ago.” The light that was in his eyes had vanished, and all Persephone could see now was the shock filling them.
“I want to, i just…”
“ What's the problem with me, then. Honestly Persephone I don’t f***ing get it.” She stepped cautiously around him towards the door, feeling the tears coming up behind her eyes.
“I just can’t hurt you,” she turned the key that was left in the door and threw herself into the small room.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” he closed the door for her and started down the stairs. From her small room she heard him start his car and and speed down the road. There was the brief sound of the engine roaring away, and then, nothing.

The author's comments:

i just had to post this piece as part of a creative writing exersize in highschool.

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