The Defeat of Smuag | Teen Ink

The Defeat of Smuag

December 16, 2016
By M.Coolio SILVER, Eureka, Missouri
M.Coolio SILVER, Eureka, Missouri
9 articles 0 photos 2 comments

  A sea of greenery is below me. The lime green valleys to the evergreen, crisp trees. I fly and bat my wings with little effort but with immense joy. I feel the soothing wind ripple through my scales. I relax my long neck. I breathe fiery, red fire for preparation. I haven’t breathed fire in a great and lengthy time; neither have I flown. The stupid Barrel-Rider is mere proof in himself that many know of I; I wonder what ballads they sing and horrific tales they tell to their young? I flap my wings to leave the green hills behind me and approach the dark, sapphire blue lake’s northern edge. I inhale the spark and exhale the tumbling fire with grandeur.
  Faintly, I hear the annoying, dreadful trumpets. I shake my head and sigh the disappointment I feel. I wanted to see their hilarious, shocked faces like the ones those dwarves had when I destroyed not only them but their entire home!  But now they know of my arrival. They are probably collecting their goods and helping all the children and women escape. I better hurry my pace before they become well prepared.
  I fly with great intensity to their tiny place they call a town. I see the torch lights lit.  Men are racing to and fro, shouting and yelling, either carrying children, bows and arrows, or buckets. I roar with disgust and hatred. I lower myself to the bridge. I soar upwards with surprise. The bridge is gone! I as well cannot come very close to the lake-men, because the great expanse of water would kill the flame as well as me. I snarl and breathe fires near them. As soon as I do that, they throw their buckets of water to quench the flames I create. How dare they try! Don’t they know there will never be able to defeat me! I am Smaug and I am invincible! I roar to release the overwhelming frustration and rage.
  Then I feel the arrows. The twanging, irritating, stinging arrows. In one moment everything is quiet; I block out the noise and the world is a blur. Did they just attack, I, the great, mighty Smaug? Stupid, idiotic lake-men. Do they dare battle with Smaug? I shall show them they should fear Smaug that any and every arrow is a waste, as well as their own lives, families, and homes! The flames come to a crescendo and tumble with ferocity out of my mouth.
  I repeatedly circle, sweeping flames after flames; I burn their roofs and beams. They try a few more times to quench my flames. But soon enough one after another they quit. They stop fighting me and they race to climb into the nearest boat available to them. Do they know who is the King under the Mountain now? Row away lake-men, I snarl, but I will find you all. I will hunt you. I will torture you. I will kill you!
  Hah, I spot a man all by himself still continuing to shoot arrows at I, the King under the Mountain? What a miserable, disgusting fool! I will personally make him pay for this mistake. I swoop and dive very low to eventually approach the man. I was close enough to see his features and his eyes widen with surprise. Yes, fool, I am a great dragon and I will end you.

  Twang. A brief moment flashes in my eyes. The time I first killed a thing, I was a young, barely older than a hatchling. I protected a small horde of wealth and I never left the cave. But one day a man like this one appeared in the night. Oh, how I was so greatly terrified! I squeezed my eyes shut, wrapped my tail around my form, and huddled in a ball; hoping, praying this man would just leave me alone! I heard shuffling and clanging of the gold. I open one eye to simply peek at him and saw that he was piling my gold into his satchel. Oh, he thought himself to be so clever, huh? Surprising my own self, I yelped out a weak roar. It was good enough to scare him. He grabbed his satchel and began to race away from me to the cave. Oh, no that is my gold weakling. My gold! I breathed fire, and his entire form was consumed by red, burning light. In that moment, I decided every clever thing will always want what I have, so I must always be cleverer than them.
  Twang. An arrow found its mark. I shriek with shrill and pain. I crash into the great expanse of water. The water launches around my form and then gently falls on me as a veil. The rage, frustration, and the fire I have evaporates simply leaving cold, dark sadness. Clever lake-man, very clever. . .

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This article has 2 comments.

on Jan. 9 2017 at 1:28 pm
M.Coolio SILVER, Eureka, Missouri
9 articles 0 photos 2 comments
Oh my gosh, thank you so much!!

on Jan. 8 2017 at 6:53 pm
TheEvergreen SILVER, Birmingham, Alabama
8 articles 0 photos 64 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never laugh at live dragons." -JRR Tolkien

I LOOVEE this!!! LotR and TH is my favorite, and I think you conveyed Smuag's emotions very well!