My Name | Teen Ink

My Name

September 26, 2018
By Anonymous

Dylan, in welsh mythology was a god or hero associated with the sea. He was the son of Arianrhod and was accidently slain by his uncle. Since then the name Dylan has gained popularity in recent years around the world, especially in the US. Before I was born my parents thought about naming me gearmy, which in my opinion is a bad name. After some more thinking they went with Dylan which match my last name a lot more and in which I am more happy with then the other name. Over the past few years of my life I have been given lots of nicknames such as Dill, Dill Pickle, and Dilbert which a lot of people have just called me Dill which is fine because I like that nickname.

The meaning that my name has to me or what it means to me is invaluable because it is who I am and it's me and who i'm identified as but my first name has no where near the meaning that my last name has, Merbeth. The last name Merbeth comes from ancestors long long ago who worked as farmers in the early days of germany at least that's how far back we have been able to trace are family name back. My grandpa worked hard hard to make his last name of Merbeth mean something. He achieved his goal by sneaking out of Soviet controlled Eastern Germany which was a very harsh place to live after the war. After sneaking across the border he spent his last 10$ on a boat ticket from France to New York City and left his family behind to seek greater things. He was the first Merbeth to come to america and start his own welding business which is now his pride and joy. To me, he is the reason why my last name is so important to me because of the sacrifices he had to make to life a happy life and to be a Merbeth.

In conclusion, my name is important to me because it is the name I was given and I like my name because it is unique to me and it sums up the overall person that I am.

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