The Journey West in the 1840s from the Perspective of a Child | Teen Ink

The Journey West in the 1840s from the Perspective of a Child

January 19, 2022
By WK2023 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
WK2023 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The road continues, it never ends. It’s been almost two weeks since we left our New England saltbox and headed west to find prosperity. Father was telling me all about what we would have in our new land, “horses, cattle, a big house for all of us”, he said. Dad will make this all worth it. I know it. I know our family will make it through this. If he can’t take us west and make something of it. No one can. I was so excited to see our land in the new world, it sounded like nothing short of amazing. Big open spaces, large forests, great plains. Open space as far as the eye could see. I liked our house in New England a lot. Frankly, I didn’t want to leave. But my parents promised me this would be better than what we had. Dad would always say that America was the greatest country in the world because we had the power to move on our own, make our own money and control our own destiny. Someday I will understand.

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