Garden 1899 | Teen Ink

Garden 1899

November 29, 2012
By rodgers1994 BRONZE, Bethel Park, Pennsylvania
rodgers1994 BRONZE, Bethel Park, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be the change you wish to see in the world."

I always loved the gardens behind our home. The flowers, trees, and groves that housed my wild dreaming and lilting fantasies. I would begin my day stepping out through the glass doors, off the cold hard tiles, and onto the ground. I would quietly slip off my shoes and would press my feet into the cool soft grass. Then, I’d begin my walk. As I strolled, I’d take big, deep breaths. I’d breathe in mostly, the smell of the flowers. The daisies, the roses, the dogwoods, and the Queen Elizabeth’s Lace all would ensconce me in enchanting aroma. And so, I’d take a few more steps. With each taking another breath more of my floral friends. As I walked, I’d run my hands over the smooth bark, the rough bark, and through the flowers and leaves. Then I’d find myself laughing; laughing and smiling and running. My long dress flowed in the wind and would wrap itself around my legs. Soon my hair would come undone and the long, unruly locks would tumble down around me.
Soon enough, I’d find myself stopping, having heard whispers, whispers of the branches in the trees. Whispers of the wind as it blew all around me. It’d settle quietly down, and…listen. I’d strain to hear and would soon come across sweet nothings being whispered against my ears. The trees murmured, “Hello ,Virginia.”
I’d respond, “Mmm, Good Morning.”
The flowers said, “Come Virginia, fall back onto us. Let our fragrance overtake you.” And I would do just that.
I found myself lying down onto a soft, warm patch of grass. Spots of sun would shine through the trees and onto my face. I’d take a breath and the flowery fragrance would roll through the wind and against me. So, there I’d lie. I don’t know quite how long, but the wind kept rolling against me. The sun continued to warm me and its glowing spots shone on my face.
Soon, I may even fall asleep. No need for dreaming here, though. All of my dreams are laid out before me. All of the colors would surround me, swirling and mixing together. They wrap around me and hold me in a colorful, bright light. I laugh as I fall farther and farther into the gardens and into the sleepy peace that overtakes me as I lie there.
Too soon though, it would end. I’d remember who I was, where I was. I’d remember the way a girl my age was supposed to act. So, I’d stand up, brush myself off, and head back towards the large, looming house awaiting to take me back.
But for those few moments in time, I’d have let the gardens overtake me, and I’d be home.

The author's comments:
This was inspired by a photo called "Spring" that was taken by Clarence H. White in 1899.

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