Where the Key Lies | Teen Ink

Where the Key Lies

October 8, 2013
By Anonymous

“What should we tell the public what the movie is about?”Walt Disney asked the movie crew of his soon to arrive film.

“You would think that after seven years of working on this movie you would have a title by now,” one of the crew members acknowledged.

“We should give it an exciting name. How about the Key to the Secret Door? We'll say it's going to be about a girl named Emma. She'll live in London, and find a secret door to a new wondrous world. Emma can have lots of adventures, fight evil, and find love,” a member stated. They held auditions the next week.

So many girls auditioned to play the part of Emma for the movie. In the end there were three finalist for the movie. One of the finalists was Jenifer Lawrence. She played the role of Katniss in a big movie, The Hunger Games. Another one of the finalists was Lea Salonga, who had sang in Disney movies before. They were Mulan and Aladdin. Lea had also been in many broadway plays before. The third finalist was Demi Lovato,who had many projects with Disney channel, was a popular pop star. One of these three ladies would get to play Emma in the movie. None of them knew which one of them would get to be in the movie. They were all really talented.

“When are they going to choose who gets to be Emma?” Lea asked.

“I don't know,” Jenifer replied.

“No matter who gets the part, we should all be happy for them,'' Demi added.Walt Disney came to them cheerfully.

“Hey girls, we have finally made a decision!”Announced Walt.

“Do we know who got the part?”Asked Lea.

“No, but we have a way to chose who gets the part.I have to admit it is going to be a little different and challenging.” The girls thought this sounded exciting.

“Sounds like fun, what are we going to have to do?”Questioned Jenifer.

“I'll give you a location, and you're going to have to find a key that unlocks a door. Whoever finds the key first will get the part of Emma in my new movie,'' described Walt.

The next day Walt, Demi, Lea and Jenifer arrived at a gate on the outskirts of London.

“What is this place?” Demi asked.

“Who's there?” a guard in a uniform by the gates asked.

“It's Walt,'' Walt Disney answered.
After Walt had said that, the guard's face lit up with a smile and the colossal gate opened. Behind the gate was an enchanting castle. It was a life size Cinderella castle. The three girls looked up at the castle in astonishment.

“Welcome ladies,” Walt announced.
Around the castle was big green lawn with rose bushes adorning the edges. There was a fancy fountain, and two big towers on both sides of the castle. Walt Disney pointed to a door on the side of the wall. It was the door the hidden key would unlock.

“Alright you will have twenty-four hours to find the key, whoever finds it first will get the part of Emma. Are you ready?” He asked.

“Yes!” the three girls answered.

Walt left and the search was on. While Lea looked in the castle, Demi looked in the garden, but Jenifer looked behind the castle near the rose bushes. All three girls looked, searched, and studied all of the area in and around the castle. They had left no stone unturned. They had to be there for at least twelve hours, but they still hadn't found anything. As the day ended, someone came in and brought the ladies food and drinks. They gathered around a table and began to eat.

“Have you guys found anything yet?'' Lea asked. Jenifer and Demi shook their heads. The girls searched for the key everyday for the next six days! They were determined to find the key. The next morning Walt came in. He sat at a table and had the three girls join him. Well ladies I have news.Lea, Jenifer, and Demi were all confused.

“How is that possible nobody has found the key yet!”Demi exclaimed.

“Well I'm going to let you in on what we did,” Walt Disney expressed.

“What is it?” Inquired Lea.

“You ladies aren't the only three finalists we had do this,”Walt admitted.

“What? There were other people,”Jenifer asked.

“Yes there were twelve finalists for the total, including you guys. The movie we are filming is not going to be The Key to the Secret door. We only said that so that's that the public think that's what the movie is going to be about. We want to surprise them.We chose twelve finalist and decide that we were going to put you on a scavenger hunt in different parts of the world. Some people went to India, others China, in your case you got to be in London. We wanted to see who would last the longest.”Walt explained with a chuckle.

“Who found the key then, was it all just a game?”Questioned Lea.

“No key was hidden, we wanted to see which group of three would last the longest finding a key. You ladies lasted a week and probably would've lasted longer if I wouldn't have come here. This was not a game though it was fun to watch. Everyone else had quit looking before you. This was our way of choosing the group that would be in the movie!”Jenifer, Demi, and Lea took all this information in. It had happened so quickly.

“Wait, so there's going to be a group of three in the movie, and your telling us we got the part in that movie?”Asked Demi.

“Precisely, you can have the role if you want it. You have all proven that you are capable of working hard.”Insisted Walt. The three girls cheered and gave each other hugs. They would all star in the movie.

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