Lincoln HN | Teen Ink

Lincoln HN

November 18, 2014
By Anonymous

War Veteran
Tonight is going to be great. Even though I feel a bit empty inside after the war, I know that a night out in the theatre with Martha, my fiancé will make me feel better. After the war I thought I would never be glad again, but Martha seems to fix that I guess…
“Ready to go Scott!” she hollers down the hallway.
“Ready Freddy!” I reply joyfully. Then we head out to the specially arranged horse carriage and trot of to the play. The reason I felt like I was missing something is because I am, that’s my best friend Daniel. I got into the play because during the war he got shot and I carried him 23 miles over 12 hours to get him to safety, but it was 11 minutes to late according to the surgeons. For my heroics I was awarded a purple heart and 2 tickets to the play the president is attending called My American Cousin. 

“I can’t wait for the play to start I heard there are some jolly good jokes in this one.” The middle-aged man next to me whispers.
“I heard this is going to be the best one in while.” I lie to him due to my lack of knowledge. Soon the play got going and time seemed to go quite fast considering I was surprisingly enjoying myself but then I happened.
“I would say that could have been the best joke yet!” Martha chuckles loudly but is drowned out by the rest of the crowd.
“That might actua-“Then I heard it, the unmistakable sound of gunfire. “Did you hear that?” I ask frantically. Martha shakes her head confused. Then as if it was on queue a shadowy figure jumped from the president’s balcony yelling “The south has been avenged!” He got up with a grimace of pain and got running. Then when he was close enough to me I tackled him firm to the ground and threw his knife to the side, but he swiftly pounded me in the nose by his rock hard knuckles and I heard a CRACK too. Only when I looked back I noticed it was the famous actor John Wilkes Booth. I stumbled to my feet and dashed after him, but his head start gave him a split second long enough to get away into the night.
About a week after the theatre fiasco, the police reported back to us that the Presidents Assassin was indeed John Wilkes Booth. Another thing I figured out after that night was what I wanted to do with my life. I hadn’t felt the rush of the war for so long until that night and then it couldn’t have been clearer. I told Martha that I had to go to the army, but she didn’t agree. Then I made one of the most important decisions of my life
“Martha, if you don’t want me in the army then I think we should see different people.” She stood there flabbergasted for what seemed like an hour, and then she finally shook her head yes in silence as a tear rolled gracefully down her cheek. I hugged her tighter than I ever had before, grabbed my things, and headed out the door ready for the next chapter of my life.

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