Church Security | Teen Ink

Church Security

December 22, 2015
By Anonymous

The air hung still. Abused from the violence of the storm moments before. The silence swayed over us all. Slowly a whisper emerged. Getting louder as anticipation drew. I looked to my left and watched the dial slowly get closer to the big red two.  An explosion. The adrenaline tinkled down my neck and vanquished into my back. The tires churned begging for the beating to stop. The damp ground was no match for the German engineering, making the comfort of the hand stitch leather seats useless as traction control jerked us side to side. Amidst the shrieking of the tires and the strain of the engine we stayed silent. Appreciating the thrill like a fine wine. As we stopped the silence returned. I turned my head.  The cloud of smoke began to settle and emerged a donut. Both fat and oddly shaped, but a donut nevertheless. As we stared in admiration, Justin broke the silence, “Look” he murmered. I turned to him to see where he was pointing. Among the rows of cars a truck emerged like a cavalryman among soldiers. On top of his beautiful, white steed was a rotating flashing yellow light. We all watched in awe for a moment as the truck made a b-line across the parking lot. The realization of what was happening sent a pulse down to James’s foot. Consequentially, producing even more smoke as we measured the optimum angle to take to the exit. With his foot on the floor, we leaned back in our seats waiting for the turbo to ignite. An instant gratification came when the turbo launched us forward. About half way to the exit our original fear of getting trapped turned into excitement. We all turned around in our seat to see the truck in pursuit. As we continued towards the exit our excitement became an immense high as we laughed off the security guards failed attempt to catch us.

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