Pablo Escobar | Teen Ink

Pablo Escobar

December 11, 2015
By channing BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
channing BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Pablo escobar one of the greatest narcos to ever live was born in rionegro,colombia in 1949. The only problem he had was a lot of people wanted his head on a stick. For a while the people loved him but the police tried so hard to make the people hate. Pablo escobar was killed on December 2 , 1993 in a shootout with the police.  Or was he….
  I was in Target one day looking for a new shampoo to buy when this guy came up next to me.  “Hey,” he said as he bumped my shoulder, “What’s the best brand?  I want my hair to be silky smooth!” 

 As I turned to answer him, I recognized his face - from the wanted pictures on the news! I was standing next to Escobar - and he was asking me how to make his hair silky!  How strange!  He laughed.  “not what you expected, huh?” 

“No,” I said.  “I thought you’d be asking where the ammunition is.”

He laughed.  “I have plenty of that.  I’m looking to improve my appearance, that’s all.”  So I told him to buy some random shampoo and he thanked me.  I finished my shopping and went to the parking lot.  Who was waiting by my car? Pablo escobar asking if i want a job.

“it nothing big i just need your signature saying you are willing to do it.” said pablo as he handed me a paper, without hesitation i signed the contract he said he was gonna make all my dreams come true if i stayed true to this contract. just like that he was gone before he left he said that he will see me soon enough.The next day i heard a knock at my door i opened my front door and to my surprise it was pablo with two big buff goons “take a ride with me i wanna show you something” pablo said “i have to go to school tho” i said “Don't worry we will get you there on time and if not i'm sure a grand will change that tardy real quick.”

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