Leaving | Teen Ink


December 14, 2015
By nellbell BRONZE, Stockton, California
nellbell BRONZE, Stockton, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I woke up it was sunny like always and I can here the kids running across the hallway.  It was June 18, 1940 again. Same routine, same people,same places.  I can hear the birds chirping and see the light peeking through my curtains like I did yesterday and the day before that.  I knew what was going to happen before it did.  Well the only things that change in this place is what my friends and I do.  That's just because we were put in a time loop where it's the same day over and over again.  I’m tired of being in this stupid time loop. I finally decided to get up and stop being negative; this place is what saved me from the monsters of my childhood.  I walked over to the kitchen opening my old wooden door I grabbed an apple and sat down at the wooden table.  Carlee and Charlee were already there eating. They came to this time loop seeking shelter from a terrorist attack in their hometown somewhere in Russia.  I was so lost in my thought I didn't even notice Alex joined us. He came here also seeking shelter from a terrorist attack in America called 2 /11 or 9/ 11, I can't really remember.  He's the most recent recruit but he is always depressed he says hes not use to “the old times.” I finally finished my apple and walked outside.  I walked over to the garden and saw a lot of commotion and whispering among the children.  I stopped Rose and asked her about the whisperers.
“There is talk of a new member coming to join us,” said Rose.
“A new member,” I said. “Are you sure they're not just rumors?”
“It’s true Miss Dragamirror said so,” She said, mad at my disbelief. 
I ran into the house leaving Rose standing alone in the garden.  I ran up the creaky
stairs.  From the corner of my eye I could see a room open and Miss Dragamirror in it. I speed-walked through the hallway of doors that for a moment seemed endless. I realized she was in the room across from mine . As I reached the door, the room was completely transformed.  The room that was once empty was now full of life.
“So it's true,’’ I said furiously.
“I assume you heard about the new member,” she said calmly.
“Why didn't you tell me?” I asked.
“It slipped my mind,” she replied annoyingly.
“I was the first person in this place. It was just me and you for two years don’t you think
deserve a little respect!” I exclaimed
She stood in silence.
“When is this person coming,” I asked.
“He’s coming at noon,” she said.
“Noon,” I asked. “That is about an hour from now.’’
“That is correct,” she said.
I walked out in frustration and went into my room.  My once clean room is now being
destroyed by anger.  I threw my stuff in feury.  It doesn't matter the day will restart and it will be clean once again.  I finally calmed down and fell asleep.  I was awakened by noise outside my door. I got up trying not to fall over my stuff I threw earlier.  I opened my very squeaky door but no one noticed over their talking.  It looks like their surrounding something wait not something: someone, a person. I looked up at the clock and sure enough it was past noon.  I heard Miss Mirror (short for Dragamirror) yell and tell the people to go to lunch.  As they left, they slowly uncovered a boy, no man in around his early twenties.  He leaned against the the  door frame; he looked perfect and slightly muscular.  His big green eyes stared right at me. 
“So you're the new member?” I asked.
“Yeah, my name is Stefan. Yours?” he said.
“Emma”I responded
“So can you show me around?”
“Sure,” I said.
We walked down stairs and went to the living room.
“So how does stuff work around here?”
“Well, basicly its the same day over and over again.  We don't age so the age, you are
now is the age you will stay.  So you might have to forget about modern technology and get use to what we have here,” I explained.
I continued the tour and I had so much fun I was happy to talk to someone new.  He started
telling me about the future technology; it's so fascinating.
“So you can send letters automatically and get a reply back in seconds” I yelled in
“Yeah.” he said
“Brilliant!” I replied
I finished the tour and let him rest.  Today was so fun the modern world sounds
Maybe there is a way I can get out of here.  I thought about that the rest of the day and went to sleep and thought about it more.  Ever since Stefan came I look forward to getting up and today was no different. I got up and ran to his door and knocked. 
“Hey,” he said in a low tone by the way he looked I assume he just woke up. 
“Hello,” I said. “ Get ready meet you downstairs in five minutes!”
I ran downstairs excited and waited. He finally came down.
“Where are we going?” Stefan asked.
“It’s a surprise.” I yelled as I ran out the door and Stefan followed.
I stopped running, we both faced a beautiful ocean. 
“This is my favorite place in the island,” I said.
“Its beautiful,” He said in amazement.
We sat down in this mini cave the rocks made.  It was at the edge of the ocean.  We sat for about five minutes not talking just taking in the beauty.  Until I broke the silence.
“So, why did you come here?” I asked
“My family was being hunted by these mean people.  So my mother sent me here.” He said
“How did your mom know about this place?” I asked him
“She was in a loop like this when she was my age.  Her friend was gifted with the power to start these loops. She stopped the loop a year later and aged year when they went back to the present it was barely noticeable.  When her friend died she told my mom if she ever need to escape or stop time go to Miss Dragamirror’s loop and here I am,” he said “ So why are you here?’’
“My whole childhood I lived in terror of the Nazis.  One day my family and I heard their footsteps coming so my parents hid me and sacrificed themselves for me.  Luckily I was not found.  Hours latter I got out of my house and ran to town in search for my aunts they were all dead.  I started to run back home and bumped into Miss Dragamirror I told her what happened so she took me to an island in America where she started the loop. Ever since then I’ve lived my whole life here.” I said 
  “You lived a horrible life.” Stefan said
We stared off into the ocean for what seemed like century. Until I broke the silence
“I’m going to get out of here,”I yelled “I’m off being here I’m in no danger anymore, Hitler was taken down a long time ago.  The only reason I stayed was because I didn’t want to leave Miss. Mirror.
“How are you going that,” He said “ It’s impossible .”
“I’ll find a way” I said loudly.
“You can’t leave the kids,” he said “they look up to you.”
“I’ve been here long enough,”I exclaimed.
“But you can’t leave me,”he whispered.
Does he like me?  I acted like I didn’t hear him.  I got up and told him to get up and we walked back home in awkward silence.  I spent the next months in the study reading books trying to find a way out of this loop. 
“Finally,” I screamed “ I found something.”
If this works I will finally be free. All I need to do is tell Miss Dragamirror.  I’m so happy! I ran to go tell Miss Dragamirror I’m so close.  Then I bumped into Stefan we both fell.
“Sorry,” I said almost immediately.  We haven’t talked much since that day at the ocean.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
“Yes, are you? I replied.
“Yeah where have you been?” he asked.
“Here and there,”I  replied.
“Cool,” he said awkwardly.
“Well I best be going”I said as I walked away
So back to what I was going I ran into Miss Mirror’s office.  I can feel my heart beating in my chest I’m so close.
“I found something,” I yelled”If I go by boat north there will be another time loop. But in the future it was foretold for it to be there by one of the elders of magic.”
“ Traveling through loops is very dangerous magic to be toying with.”she said with a stern look.
“It’s worth the try,”I said hopeful. 
“ I don't agree with it; however, I will not stop you.”she replied
I left and went to my room thinking out the details of my plan. I spent the next month gathering supplies for the day I leave this wretched place.  I’ve also been talking to Stefan and he is willing to go with me.  Finally the day came of my departure the children helped me load everything on the boat.   I said goodbye to everyone and left with stefan. We paddled the boat for hours until he felt like our arms were going to fall off. We through the anchor down and and rest for a bit.
“So how far a we away from the next loop?”Stefan asked.
I rotated the map in attempt to figure out are location.
“By what I can see I think about five more hours” I said questionably
“Okay,”Stefan replied simply
We ate some of the oranges we brought from home then continued paddling. I am so tired I what to arrive at the loop already if we even find it. Hours pass and Stefan offered to paddle the boat by himself  but I said no, so we kept going. Then I saw something
“Look” I yelled as I pointed to an island.
Stefan smiled and we both paddled so fast excited to arrive.  We are so close! Finally we hit land. Now's the hard part find the entrance to the loop. 
“So how do we get in?” he asked.
“The only way in is through a time traveling hole in the outside of loops.  So you fall into the entrance (the hole) with your time period in mind. It will take you to that time and the magic of the loop will keep you there. But there is one problem.”I replied
“You don’t know where the entrance is at,” Stefan said.
“Correct,”I whispered
“So let's get to searching”
We spent days looking for a possible entrance to the loop no luck yet. It’s our fifth day here.
“Do you think we will find it?”asked Stefan.
“I hope we do. We still have a part of the island to explore,”I said.
“What if the loop doesn't even excised?” he lowly said.
“We will find that out tomorrow,” I replied calmly “We should get some sleep; tomorrow is a big day.
He nodded. I started a fire and laided down. What is Stefan was right. What if we don't  find anything and have to go back?  Miss Mirror would be filled with anger. I finally fell asleep staring at the stars. Then I felt something push me.  I opened my eyes and see Stefan right next to me pointing at something. I turn my head and see a big spider right next to my knee. I moved so fast I didn't even noticed when it happened . I ran until I was far enough from any danger and stopped. I look back and see Stefan right in back of me. I didn’t even notice he followed because I was so scared. He started laugh.
“What?”I said annoyed.
“Oh nothing,” he replied in an obnoticus way.
I rolled my eyes; how could he be laughing at a time like this?
He laughed even more “Stop being so uptight,” he said.
“I am not,” I yelled
He laughed once again
“Okay let’s go,”I said.
“ Wait!” he yelled as he pointed.
I turned around and it was a hole but not just any hole the hole. When I saw I just had a feeling this is the one.  I giggled of excitement this could be the one-the one, to take me to whole nother place one I had never seen. I was so excited  I jumped into the hole. Before I could even think of the time I wanted to go I fell straight on my back. Ouch!
“Are you okay?” Stefan asked
“No,” I said in agony.
I got up and dusted myself off. I didn't work that makes me hurts more than than the actual fall. Stefan helped me get out and we headed back home. That was our last hope and it failed. We walked back to where the boat was in silence both sad and mad. We gathered our stuff on the boat then we saw something move in a distance.  We both turn it's just a squirrel it ran into a hole. I turn away and start organizing the food on the boat. Wait I turned back a hole. We never checked this part of the island because we came through here. I got up and walked over to the hole and waved Stefan over here,
“ The last hole in this island,” I said .
“The only one we didn't check,” he replied slowly.
We held hands
“Let's go together,”he suggested.
I nodded slowly and closed my eyes
“1,2,3, jump!” we whispered
This time was different there was no hard falls. No aches. I opened my eyes and everything changed.

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