A Disturbing Message | Teen Ink

A Disturbing Message

April 26, 2016
By Rayannalesha BRONZE, Macon, Georgia
Rayannalesha BRONZE, Macon, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The day was August 5, 1950 in Dallas Texas. It was my first day of middle school and going to an integrated one. I was so excited about going to school, that my mother Michelle and father Anthony tried to calm me down. My parents knew how excited I was about going to school, because that meant I could meet new people and feel what it was like to be around white kids my age. But somehow I was kind of nervous because I thought what if they wouldn't except me how i was or they wouldn't like me? What if they think I'm too black? It wasn't too long before a knock on the front door stopped all my bad overthinking. Oh my gosh I was so excited about who was at my door. It was the best of friends I could ever ask for Courtney and Marcus. Man we've been friends for a quite long time so we just followed in their footsteps. We all were so happy this day was finally here so I gave my mother and father their hugs and kisses and then we were off to school. On the way to school so many buses had passed by, some of the kids on the bus teased us called us dumb n*****s, others cursed, and some threw paper balls at us. But we didn't let that stop us from enjoying a beautiful first day of school, so we kept on walking. It didn't take us that long to get to school so we got there early. But the atmosphere was kind of odd we could sense something wasn't going right. But as soon as we got to the school gates our senses were right. Someone had left us a disturbing message that said "GO HOME YOU DUMB NEGROES" and the kids had sensed we felt hurt so they laughed and threw rocks at us. So we thought of nothing else but to run home, but as soon as we tried Principal Hanks tried to stop us however, we escaped him. Me, Courtney, and Marcus ran so fast that we already at my house and didn't even realize it. I was kind of relieved that my parents were still there so they could remove all this pain and hurt. After catching our breaths and walking into the house we broke back into tears, because we were so ashamed and hurt and couldn't believe such a thing would happen. After a while we had dried up our tears and told my parents the situation and boy boy boy they were so disappointed. But I wanted it all to be over. So after we settled down for a while, my parents called Courtney's and Marcus's parents and told them what happened and we waited for them to get here so we can sort things out. Soon as they arrived I could tell they too were angry and disappointed. They had talked for at least 30 minutes about what they were going to do. So they came up with the plan to take this up with the board, because nothing like this should happen to anyone's child. My mother had told us we weren’t going back to school that day so we stayed home relaxed and played the rest of the day. So as tomorrow came I did as I usually did every morning. As I got finished getting dresses I heard Courtney and Marcus in the living room with their parents. We were all ready for this day. So we as we headed to the board I couldn’t stop thinking about the day before, but it was soon going to come to an end. As we made it to the board and it seems like they were already expecting our arrival. As we walked in we were greeted by everyone and then the superintendent approached us. The superintendent started off by speaking and telling us how sorry they were for something so horrible happening to three innocent little kids. So he told us to follow them into his office to have further discussion. After having a log discussion about the problem he assured us that it would never happen again and we could go back to school. I was so happy because I loved school and I didn’t like missing out on it. So as days went by they were getting better and better. The kids started accepting us more and more each day. Because they realized that we weren’t how people had published us as and finally we were able to be happy and enjoy ad learn at school now. 

The author's comments:

I love being very active and having fun!

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