Spacious Land | Teen Ink

Spacious Land

May 16, 2016
By Aryarl BRONZE, Ankara, Other
Aryarl BRONZE, Ankara, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The people were having bad days in Kipchak Kingdom. Khagan of Kipchaks was considering the troubles which he had been living. He was feeling that something is not true in his kingdom. There was an indescribable tightness,and weird problem in kingdom. Cold weather was not affective then,these circumstances mean something bad will happen soon. The rising sun’s bright lights were burning Kipchak’s eyes. They hadn't had war recently. Kipchak community hadn't been happy because of that. Kipchak Khagan was tall,and he had Asian eyes which could see everywhere. He had a small beard and he had soft brown-yellow hair which was dancing with the wind. He had loved the horses and guns since he was a little kid. His biggest goal was to conquer the lands and to decree them. He was very successful about it. Kipchak Khan’s wife could understand his sad situation but she couldn't do anything. Kipchak King’s wife Alm?la could handle so many govern-ment duty which Khagan can’t. She was organizing expedition movements. She had beautiful,bright blue eyes. She was blinking her Asian eyes and made them more conspicuous. Alm?la came to khans left and she said’Hülagü,Im sure that we will ?nd a solution soon’. Hülagü turned back with a rebellious move and he said’It couldn't happen in my kingdom! you don't know what is going on Alm?la. You’re just guessing what I have been through!’ While he was saying that a sound came from the backside. Sounds owner was Hülagü’s brother Timur.Timur approach to his brother. When he approached the sun re?ect to his face. Timur’s stupendous body was shaking because of the excitement. Timur was always going to the expedition movements with his broth-er.In kingdom,after Alm?la and Hülagü, Timur was decreeing all the community. Hülagü was sur-prised because of Timur’s agitation. Because Timur had patience since today. Timur looked with luminous eyes to Alm?la and Hülagü and he spread the news. Commander the Tu?rul was back. Commander Tu?rul was the best warrior in this world. Tu?rul had grayish blue eyes and protruding cheek bones. All society was happy because of Tu?rul’s turning. Hülagü wanted to talk to Tu?rul and he tell about his plans but Commander Tu?rul was too tired. Hülagü had to wait until tomorrow. They took Commander Tu?rul to his pavilion. He watched everything in his tent. Nothing has changed. He lied down to his bed and closed his eyes. Next morning Hülagü couldn't stand this waiting. He walked to Commander Tu?rul’s marquee with a furious attitude. He opened the tent’s door and saw Commander Tu?rul who has already woke up. He stand up when he saw Hülagü and said’We have to move so vastly very bad things will happen’ Hülagü asked the sentence’s reason curiously and Commander Tu?rul said’I saw Gökbörü,the wolf which is seen every thou-sand years, in my dream and it tried to warn us’ Hülagü’s skin colour turned into white. He went to to Timur’s pavilion and ordered ‘We’re going to the expedition get ready immediately.’


Expedition preparations were almost done. Horses had been cleaned up and armies were ready. Army was made up of from Hazar Turks,Mongolians,Gagavuz Turks and Uyghur Turks who hadn't had any war for a long time. But these Uyghur Turks were the bravest soldiers in this army. They were so impetuous too! They have left their land to help the Kipchak Kingdom when they heard about the expedition movements. Additionally they weren't expecting anything for their ?delity.They were ready to do anything for their nations’s utility. Army’s commander were some guy who named Temuçin. Temuçin was a unbeatable commander. He hadn't lost any war which he had joined. Temuçin had vanquished the Chinese with a incredible stratagem game. While Temuçin was mov-ing from the East,Chinese came to his back from the West when Chinese came from the West Temuçin has ordered his army which has waited for the trap and they killed the all the Chinese warriors. After this victory Temuçin had gone to the Chinese villages for direction and got a very big amount of pillage. Temuçin had a hawk which had never left his right arm. This hawk had fearless looks just like Temuçin. The Hawk didn't leave Temuçin’s side for just a second even the nights hawk was staying with Temuçin in his pavillion. Temuçin has named his hawk Börte. He has fed the Börte with his own hands. Army had marvellous belief even though they were so small. They had never been familiar with being captive. They preferred dying instead of being thrall. Army has moved. They were slow but sure. Whether was getting worse. Temuçin had decided to stop the

army and they hid some safe cavern under the Ural mountain. Rain was like forever. Hülagü has ordered’Keep your horses safe and ef?oresce them to a place which won't get wet.’Soldiers under-stood that they were going to stay there for a long time. One of the soldier’s was a bard he has kopuz with him. They light a ?re and bard sit the front of the ?re. He started to sing a requiem. Sol-diers were getting numb because of this requiem. Hülagü and Timur were the only ones who is not sitting there. They were looking to the sky and praying to the Göktengri for victory. When the weather ?xed soldiers were already up and they were feeding their horses. Temuçin ordered to the inexperienced soldier to breakfast. Hunters had woke up early and they shot 2 deers and 5 rabbits. Soldiers cleaned rabbits and deers and made them ready for cooking on the ?re. Army hasn’t had any patience after the breakfast. They wanted to move immedietly. They started to move when Temuçin ordered. When they move they saw a man who’s riding a horse and they have realised the man was Commander Tu?rul. Tu?rul went to the are which Timur’s and Temuçin’s waiting. Commander Tu?rul has decided to join the war last minute because he just left from the expedi-tion. They arrived Barshana the area. Chinese were moving in a relax mode because they had more soldiers.Suddenly all the birds ?ew. Hülagü turned his back with curiosity. His eyes opened with a big bewilderment. He saw Tu?rul the Commander’s 1000 person army. Hülagü stand his arm and 100 person army went to the East,and the other 100 person went to the west. Chinese couldn't understand this movements. Temuçin throw his sword to the Chinese soldiers. Chinese started to run to Turks. But Turks weren't moving. When the Chinese reach the Turks soldiers who are coming from north and south attacked to the Chinese soldiers. Turks saw a soldiers from away and they have realised this was the King Of the Chinese Empire,he was escaping. Hülagü who saw this started to chase the king.King hadn't realised Hülagü’s move. Hülagü sticked to King with his sword’s back. King fell from the horse. Hülagü laughed. Hülagü moved closer to the King and jumped from his horse.King was shaking because of fear.King tried to reach his sword.Hülagü strike his hand because of this impact sword fell Kind tried to take it and Hülagü kicked him. Hülagü standed his sword and get ready to stab him from the heard. Then he staggered. He fell. King has realised someone stab Hülagü from the back. This sword’s owner was Tu?rul. King looked tp the Tu?rul and Hülagü who is dead and he run away .Tu?rul’s army’s were shocked.They didn't know what to do. They had to ?ght. Temuçin had seen this move too. He started to run to Tu?rul.He attacked to him. This was a long,unbeatable war. Finally Turks went to the centre of the area and they out their ?ags.

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