Troopers | Teen Ink


June 3, 2016
By NicG9 BRONZE, Windber, Pennsylvania
NicG9 BRONZE, Windber, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The planes roared to life as men clad in heavy paratrooper suits climbed aboard each weighted down with nearly 50 pounds of gear or more. The jump master was the last one in climbing in he slammed the door shut everyone took their seats as the plan leapt from the ground and entered the night sky as the minutes ticked by the air was still inside the flying troop tube. Everything was quite until BANG the sky erupted in a flash of flares and flak shells at once the men stood hooking to the rail on the ceiling of the plane. The dark plane lite up a bright red and with a few moments the door flew open and the light flicked off and a second green light flicked on the jump master began to call out counting as the men as he pushed them out the plane as the men leapt into the sky there chutes began to open filling the sky with large parachute clouds. The German guns burned holes in the chutes some ripping and tearing dropping the men to the ground those unlucky bastards smashed their bones crushing their skulls as the ground distorted the young men’s bodies. Those lucky enough to reach the ground alive now had mere moments to get their balance and their gear and begin the assault some of these brave men alone in the fields and forests of Normandy with only what they landed with or could salvage and scrounge. These men alone with nothing more than there weapons and wits some lost both some lost one or the other but most of all many lost their lives. The small skirmishes between the small groups or single paratroopers wagged against the Germans that morning began the fall of the Nazi dominos in Europe. Only few of those men that landed that early morning in Normandy lived to see what they set in motion and even fewer got to fight on each stop in the allies drive to destroy the Nazi war machine. Through the fields of Normandy to the streets of France to the fields of Holland into the roads of Bastogne over the mighty Rhine and into the eagles nest. The men of the airborne that severed in the greatest battle of history to defeat an evil of great magnitude and would learn of the true evil that they fought against only as they beat back the evil that attempted to dominate the entire world. The paratroopers that severed were brave, bold and courageous yet most only volunteered for more pay in a short amount of time most if not all would learn that being an airborne trooper was more than an extra pay check it was about brotherhood honor and courage. The men of the 101st, 82nd and all other airborne divisions that severed in that hideous war know that just one man can wage a war but together they could become unstoppable and defeat the world’s greatest enemies.

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