The Test | Teen Ink

The Test

June 28, 2018
By AshlynKuehl BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
AshlynKuehl BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The bright sun awoken me. I heard the birds outside chirp, chirp, chirp. I sighed to myself as I rose from my bed. I knew what was to come today. I have been anxiously anticipating this day for a week now. I quickly got dressed and ready for school, so I had more time to study. Typically, I do worry about what I look like at school, but not today. I studied for what seemed to be 5 minutes and I was interrupted by my mother yelling. “Time to go!”, she yelled. I quickly zipped up my backpack and rushed into the car. As I pulled up to school, I felt my heart drop. This class was my first period. If i fail this test, it can really drop my grade. As I opened the doors of the school and the air felt heavy. I made my way into Mrs. K’s classroom and took my seat. The sound of the bell rang through my ears and the next thing I know the tests are being handed out. The top of the test read, “Math Test”. Just seeing those words made me nervous. I took a deep breath in and began.

It’s been three days since I took the test. I know I did my best, but I want to know the results. Today was the day. I logged into my school’s website that lists all of your grades. I hesitate, but I click to see what my math grade was. “Oh my gosh!” I screamed. I got an A! This is the last time I stress myself that much over a test.

The author's comments:

Ashlyn Kuehl is from Chicago, Illinois. Ashlyn enjoys writing short stories. She hopes that she can relate to others through her work. 

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