The Girl with the Ocean Blue Eyes | Teen Ink

The Girl with the Ocean Blue Eyes

October 18, 2018
By bbysaruhhh BRONZE, Grand Prairie, Texas
bbysaruhhh BRONZE, Grand Prairie, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There once was a girl with ocean blue eyes. They held galaxies within them and glimmered brighter than any star in the universe. They showed great wisdom and strength. They brought upon love and peace. One glance into their mesmerizing waters and your heart was steady. Behind those delicate eyes remained a young girl who loved too deep and trusted too quick, broken and alone, sitting on her bathroom floor flooding those ocean eyes with rivers of tears. “I’m sorry mama. I never meant to hurt you. I know you just wanted to understand me and what’s going on, but it was too hard for me to tell the woman who gave me life that I didn’t want it anymore.” She continued until her voice had given up on her as much as she had given up on the world. “I’m sorry daddy. I never meant to hurt you. I know I never could live up to expectations. I tried my best to hold it all together and stay your precious little girl. I just didn’t know how to tell you your little girl grew up too fast.” Her eyes matches the color of the blood in her hands as she choked back her helpless cries. Sitting on her bathroom floor, the galaxies were gone. The glimmer had vanished. There was no wisdom, no strength, no peace, no love left. 

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece in response to a prompt in my creative writing class. The prompt said “write a story in which you describe the characters based on their eyes” and this piece really just came to me.


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