Lost Childhood | Teen Ink

Lost Childhood

November 19, 2018
By 940716 BRONZE, Culpeper, Virginia
940716 BRONZE, Culpeper, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A soft breeze blew the curls of her hair back as she approached the top of the hill. Her legs were aching from the walk. She looked behind her at the path she’d taken, wondering how she strayed so far from where she had been. It was dark when she had first started her stroll. Now the sun was rising, a faint heat hitting her back.

Examining what lay ahead of her, she felt a pang of hurt in her chest. What was all of this? Where did it come from? Images of the bright shining sun, people screaming in excited terror, and the pink fuzz of cotton candy came into the forefront of her mind. All elements of what made up the perfect amusement park. Here it was. Except it looked entirely wrecked.

She advanced forward, taking in everything she could. Dolls, crushed lollipops, and ride tickets lay on the stone brick pathway. The picture the items painted was eerie. Such happy items that represented a day of fun incited a vision of abandon. As if the items were thrown to the ground and stomped all over. She resonated with the story they told.

Trying her best to dismiss the feelings that were surfacing, she kept moving. Suddenly, a distinct gush of wind blew against her. She squinted to keep something from blowing into her eyes. It let up a bit so she allowed herself to relax but not for long as she caught sight of an object being carried by the breeze. It looked like a photograph. She could only catch brief glimpses of the actual image as it was spinning in the air. Curiosity took over and she set off after it. Anything to distract herself from the scene around her. Maneuvering through the damage wasn’t easy. She was jumping over broken food machines, crushed soda cans, and game booth prizes. She almost tripped on several occasions. This last time she wasn’t so lucky. Landing on her hands and knees, she felt the sting of the scrape almost immediately. She grimaced, panting for air. She willed herself to lift her head, eyes scanning the area for the photograph. It was gone. In her peripheral vision she saw something that appeared to be a tombstone. She gasped in distress, forcing the tears threatening to spill away. It was too soon still to endure the sight.

Why was she even here? Everything in this place only seemed to want to torture her. She had never gotten the opportunity to visit this place in its lively state, bustling with people and clanking in the air as a result of the rollercoasters. Her childhood had been dark, tragic. She was forced to grow up so fast under all of the pressure and constant events of emotional abuse and trauma. To make matters worse, the course of her life had been changed to the point of no return by the consequences of her actions.

She needed to get out of there. However, the only thing her focus could be on was the photograph. She didn't know why, but she felt it was crucial that she saw it.

Getting up, she then took a moment to regain her composure.  At this point the pink in the sky was fading, the sun almost having completely risen over the horizon. Since there were very few clouds in the sky, she could tell it was going to be a bright day by the time noon came around.

Again, something in the corner of her eye caught her attention. The photograph. Without hesitation and despite the burning sensation in her legs she chased after it. She was determined not to let it get away this time.

She was certain she had traveled through the entire amusement park now. It seemed as if the photograph itself was flying rather than being carried by the wind. It kept on a straight path and arched over a broken down ride. The young woman wasn’t sure what it was supposed to be. Time had ruined it beyond recognition. On one side, the metal support beams were broken and the roof had fallen, crushing whatever was underneath it. The entire attraction was lopsided, much like a ramp.

She groaned in frustration, muttering curses under her breath. Fences blocked her from going around on either side of the structure. Deciding to climb over, she tried to be prepared. Cautiously, she hoisted herself up the lowest side. Immediately, the ride creaked and groaned under her weight. There was no way it would hold for long.

She looked around. Well, it was just her luck that the item of her pursuit happened to be on the opposite side. There it was, suspended in the air. A few feet away from the edge of the roof. Step by step she made her way to it, closing the distance more and more with every sound of distress coming from the machine. One particularly loud creak caused her to wince.

She swallowed nervously. Come on… So close...

Finally, she got as close to it as she could get. Tiptoeing, she extended her arm, hoping to catch the picture between her index and middle finger. A loud gasp tore from her throat as something underneath her snapped. She shrieked as the ride collapsed, sending her falling onto the cold, rough ground. “Ugh…” She groaned, clutching her arm.

After all of that, a reward lain right under her nose. The photograph. She took it in her hands as fast as she could, afraid it could fly away if she waited any longer.

For a brief moment it was blank but gradually an image became visible. Her eyes were already brimming with tears by the time the picture reached full clarity.

It was her, her boyfriend and their two daughters sitting on the couch together with the intention of capturing the moment. She was so young. Far too young to carry the kinds of burdens she carried. Worst of all, she was all alone. He was gone. He went out for a drive and never came back. She’d visit his new home everyday, torturing herself with fond memories of him. Never had she experienced loss like this. Hurt crushed her heart for her daughters too.

Whether it was issues with her childhood or being forced to mature faster than most girls her age, she had never gotten to live the life she had wanted for herself. This place was all she had ever wanted. A chance to be all smiles and happiness for once.

She tore her eyes away from the tear-inducing image. She couldn’t let her sadness get to her. Her daughters were counting on her. Alone, she would have to carry them through the hardships of life. Give them the happiness she’d never experienced. She would make sure they got to go to the amusement park of their wildest fantasies.

All at once the sky brightened into a light blue, drawing her attention back to her surroundings. Everything had changed. The leaves of the vibrant green trees swayed in the warm breeze. The rides that moments ago lay in ruins were restored to their newest state. Everything was beautiful again. It looked like the place where dreams really came to life.

Despite the marvelous contrast of her environment, her eyes became fixated on the sight in front of her. Only a few feet away stood a red stroller. With a clear, smooth path in front of it. All she had to do was start pushing it through the many attractions there were to see.

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