The Underdog | Teen Ink

The Underdog

February 14, 2020
By parkerk01 BRONZE, St. Louis County, Missouri
parkerk01 BRONZE, St. Louis County, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a rainy day at highschool, this is the worst day of Dre Razer’s life. 

“Hey are you okay man? I know how much you liked her it sucks that she cheated on you man.” says Tre who is Dre’s best friend since they were 5 years old which was in kindergarten when they met. 

“I don’t even know man, my love life just sucks every time I think I can trust a girl they burn me.” Dre said.

 “Hey don’t worry man you will find someone who will not do you like that.” Tre said. Dre then sees in the chaos of a crazy amount of kids that a guy named Richard Buzz. In the past, Richard has gotten straight A’s in all his classes, he has gotten many awards for his academic achievements, and even sports mostly golf. 

“This dude Richard have you seen his girlfriend? Dre she is fine as hell.” Tre said. 

“Yeah I know.” Dre says with an attitude. The bell then rings so the halls then empty out and the loud banter fades out slowly. 

“Are you skipping the second hour dude?” Tre asks. 

“Yeah I just am not in the mood to deal with Mrs. Rosser. Can you tell her you didn’t see me today? I am not dealing with her saying shut up I will probably snap at her.” Dre said. 

“Okay. I will tell her that and if she sees you I will tell her you were not feeling too good and you had to go to the nurse for the whole hour or something.” Tre said. 

“Oh that is actually a good idea because I don’t feel like dealing with my momma on top with the school being mad at me if I get caught skipping.” Dre said. Later that day Dre went to his 7th hour class and he was in for a surprise. 

“All right guys I graded your tests and I am going to give them to you.” said Mr. Robinson. Dre then sits there confident he did well since he studied for a good half hour. 

“What? I got an F?” Dre said and he was shocked he wasn’t expecting to get an F since he studied. “Oh my God man I am gonna fail this history class man. Why does all the bad stuff happen to me?” Dre said. Unexpectedly, Richard walked up to him. 

“Hey whats up? Richard said. 

“The ceiling.” Dre said sarcastically. 

“Haha you a smartass huh oh wait I guess you aren’t since you failed bombed that test hehe.” Richard said. 

“Yeah yeah real funny. So what do you want? Are you gonna keep making fun of me with your straight A a**?” Dre said. 

“Yeah no I actually see how frustrated you are and I will make you a deal.” Richard said. 

“Well I’m having a bad day. Leave me alone if I fail this next test I’ll be screwed and fail this class.” Dre said. 

“Well that is the deal I was talking about. I have good news for you. I am willing to help you in the tutoring center after school because I have community service to finish anyway.” Richard said. Dre was hesitant to consider getting a tutor since he doesn’t like asking for help but he knows if he doesn’t take this opportunity he will fail the class most likely. Dre sighs.

 “I guess I will take your offer I am trying to graduate this year then I can leave and never come back I have too many bad memories in this school.” Dre said. 

“Alright good so it is settled see you after the bell rings for after school.” Richard said. 

“All right.” Dre said. Eventually the bell rings and Dre walks into the tutoring center and sees Richard and his sister Haley Buzz who Dre thinks is really hot. “Okay let’s get this over with Richie man.” Haley then laughs at the nickname. Dre said. 

“Bruh don’t call me that it is in order Rich or Richard.” 

“All right all right man whatever.” Dre said.

 “Actually wait I gotta use the bathroom Dre be right back.” Richard says. 

“Alright man.” Dre said. As Richard walks into the bathroom Haley asks Dre a question. 

“My brother and you are hilarious of how you guys went back and forth.” 

“Yeah surprising you like my sense of humor girls usually don’t like it or me for that matter.” Dre said. Haley laughs. 

“I think you are funny and I don’t dislike you. I think you are a cool guy so far.” 

“You do?” Dre asks. 

“Yeah and I have a question, do you have a girlfriend?” Haley asks. 

“Nah I mean there was this one girl I wouldn’t really call it a relationship actually looking back on it she was just leading me on getting my hopes up and when she was dating this other guy I was like damn because I really liked her. I kind of gave her the cold shoulder after that. Other than that I never really had a legitimate girlfriend.” Dre said.

 “I am so sorry for that to have happened to you. I am straight up with people because I hate it when people lie. it just makes me more upset to find out later that they lied.” Haley said. 

“Exactly!” Dre yells with a passion. 

“Hey after this tutoring stuff do you want to hang out with me and get some pizza?” Haley asks. 

“Sure.” Dre said. 

Richard then walks back and they then start to study for the final which is in 2 weeks. After tutoring Dre and Haley went to the closest pizza hut and talked about stuff. Just kidding the next day Dre and Haley ate breakfast together and then people were giving them stares and whispering.

“Why is that loser with Haley he shouldn't even be allowed in her presence,” A random girl said.  The bell rings. 

“Okay I gotta go to my class see you later Dre.” Haley said. 

“Bye.” Dre said. Haley’s friends in her first hour kept asking about the two while Dre’s friends also asked what was going on. The two kept denying that anything was going on between them but people think otherwise. 

Then a while later, the day of the final came around and after studying for a while, Dre is confident that he will do well on the final test in history. 

“You think you will do well on this man?” Richard asked. 

“Yeah I think I got this.” Dre said. The teacher then says, 

“Ok guys this final is going to be fifty percent of your grade so don’t rush take as much time as you need and use the process of elimination to increase your odds of getting the question right and passing the class.” As the teacher passes the test, Dre takes deep breaths and rubs his hands together ready to ace the test. 

“It is all multiple choice thank God I’ll have an easier time with this.” Dre thought in his head. As the clock is ticking and hearing pencils scratch the papers, Dre is seeing people get done with their tests with Richard being the first one. Dre then sees the last few questions which were “Ok the last few questions are the Battle of Austerlitz took place during which war, which Famous battle was fought in 1066, and what was the name of the ship on which the Pilgrims traveled to North America in 1620?” For question one Dre bubbled Napoleonic Wars, for question two he bubbled Battle of Hastings, for question number three he struggled. “F**k what was this answer?” Dre thought. He then remembered when being tutored that he was asked about this question. 

“How do I know which one is right I keep thinking it is The Santa Maria because of America having a Christmas religion guy named Santa clause?” Dre asked that day. 

“Ok how about you think about it like this, think of the pilgrims as seeds and when they go to America, the land is the ground, so think of the Pilgrims in this question being a seed waiting to grow like a flower okay?” Richard said that day. After remembering this Dre then bubbles in on that last question as the Mayflower. 

“Okay I am done.” Dre says as he turns the test in. The next day Dre saw he passed his test. “Yes I will be able to graduate!” Dre said. Things are looking up for Dre as he may get a girlfriend finally and didn’t fail and have to go to summer school.

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