After Hours | Teen Ink

After Hours

May 20, 2021
By Anonymous

Picking up the metal tray she headed for the walk-in cooler. Suddenly with a crash the glass of the front restaurant windows exploded and a brick came flying through, hitting the drink cooler, flying through the first piece of glass and finally coming to a stop.

Turning, slowly taking in the scene, Taylor dropped the tray, spilling olives and juice all over the floor already covered in glass. Stepping towards the window, glass crunching under her sneaker, she saw a hooded figure sporting a ski mask step through the window. Their eyes locked, with a frightened scream she turned and tried to run to the back door, but she slipped on the floor and landed on glass, cutting her arms and hands. A hand wrapped around her ankle and dragged her through broken glass, slicing her back multiple times. Kicking the figure in the stomach, she managed to get up and sprint for the back door. As she opened the door, the figure slammed against her and both went tumbling through the door. 

Grabbing Taylor by her braids, the figure pulled her into the restaurant shutting the door, locking it from inside. Pulling a gun from the waistband of his black sweatpants, the figure pointed the pistol at Taylor. “Get into the freezer.” Taylor heard the door shut and the grinding sound of the latch sliding, locking the door from the outside. Sobbing, she banged on the door until the skin over her knuckles cracked and blood dripped onto the chilled freezer floor. 

Sirens pulled Taylor back to consciousness, sadly it was the last sound she ever heard. 

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