I'm Breaking Up With School | Teen Ink

I'm Breaking Up With School

September 17, 2021
By EthanKain BRONZE, Maumee, Ohio
EthanKain BRONZE, Maumee, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We've been close for a long time, and you are important to me. But our relationship is just not working out as I'd imagined. If soccer wasn't involved in our relationship, I don't think we would have lasted nearly this long. Which is something we both can agree on. You’re constantly annoying me whether we're together or not. Always making me do work I don't want to do, even when you know I have no desire to even try. Over the years, the assignments just keep getting progressively harder. To where I've gotten to the point I can’t do it anymore. I feel like I'm always trying to make you happy. But when do you ever make me happy? Why do you keep pestering me to do things? I just want to have fun as a teenager. I don't want to be constantly anxious about the next project, I don't want to be stressed over the next test. Do you know what it's like to stay up all night studying to then fail a test the next day? Do you know how that feels? The embarrassment that comes over you is like a crashing wave. The crowd of eyes staring at you judging you when in reality no one is there. Those feelings come to me day to day. But at this point, it’s a routine I'm stuck in and learned to get used to it. 

The time you take away from me is something I can never get back. All I have always wanted is just to use my time in a way that I think is useful, but you'll never let that happen. The question I always ask myself is why am I here. Then the argument you always give me is I'm preparing you for college, your learning. You have to understand for future relationships. No teenager really has a plan of what they're going to do after high school. How could they, a teenager, still discovering who they are, what they like, and you expect them to go out and have a career path picked. Knowing what you like, knowing who you are, are the key things you need to decide on a lifelong career. Picking a career for a kid is like taking a test you've never studied for, sure you might know an answer or two but the more likely outcome is you're going to fail. An eighteen year old kid can't be expected to make those decisions rationally. If I had more time maybe I could really focus on the key things that make me happy but to answer truthfully I don't know what makes me happy all I know is school.

 Lastly I just wish the information we learned was truly something valuable. It would motivate me to do my work extra hard if I just knew it was going to improve my way of life. You always hear people say you're learning things you wont need for real life and I wish I could tell them they're wrong but I truly don't know that. I have only had small experiences in the real world but in those times I have only used basic skills. I've also seen the smartest people with the best grades and tried the hardest in the classroom come out less financially stable, sure they're still happy and living their best life which is great. It compels me to do my work when I see the kid who barely passed highschool is doing just as well. Do you see where I'm coming from? Do you see why I want to end this?. I hope you understand. I'll always remember you.

Sincerely, Ethan

The author's comments:

I´m a junior in highschool and this piece is where I pretend me and school our ending our imaginary relationship.

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