Jayden Has A Great Day | Teen Ink

Jayden Has A Great Day

October 30, 2021
By Leobutnotthezodiacsign BRONZE, Houston, Texas
Leobutnotthezodiacsign BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Somewhere in Austin, Texas lived Jayden Dunn. He's seven years old and is an only child. He live switch his two parents, his mom is a hard worker and is gone early in the morning for work. His dad takes long business trips but sometimes is home.


Today, his dad woke him up and said, "It's time for school buddy. I'm going to make breakfast". Jayden got up from his bed, his sheets had superheroes on them and so did his blanket. Jayden fixed his bed and walked to his dresser where his mom had prepared clothes for him. Jayden took his clothes and went to the bathroom.


Jayden washed his face, brushed his teeth, and changed clothes. Jayden walked downstairs and into the kitchen. His dad was making pancakes and bacon. Jayden said, "Morning Dad." and then turned on the TV to watch a few minutes of a cartoon he loves. The cartoon was about dinosaurs, he loves dinosaurs so much that he has a dinosaur backpack that he takes to school.


Jayden is a second grader and loves math. Of course he loves playing on the playground more, but math is a close second. Jayden's dad said to him "After I drop you off I am going to the airport for another work trip. I'll be back in a few days.". Jayden frowned, he was sad whenever his had left but he knew thelat he would come back.


Jayden turned off the TV and went to the dining room and sat down at his chair. His dad gave him a plate of pancakes with butter and bacon. Jayden smiled and ate his breakfast. After he was done eating Jayden put his plate on the countertop since he couldn't reach the sink.


He went to the bathroom, put a small step stool on the floor and washed his hands. Then went to the front of the house and put on his shoes and his backpack. Jayden's dad got his suitcase and put on his shoes. They went outside and into the car.


Jayden and his dad listened to the radio during the drive and Jayden's dad said, "Mom is going to pick you up after school, okay?". Jayden nodded and then they arrived at his school. Jayden and his dad went out of the car and hugged. His dad fixed Jayden's brown poofy hair since he forgot to brush it. Jayden's dad said, "I'll see you later. Love you.". Jayden replied, "Love you too!". Jayden ran into school and saw his two best friends.


Their names were Tyler and Connor, Tyler and Jayden have been friends since kindergarten. They became  friends when Jayden saw Tyler fingerprint a dinosaur. It was in Jayden's eyes, a masterpiece. They became friends ever since.


Connor became friends with Jayden in the first grade. Connor likes rocks and Jayden at the time thought they were cool too. Now they just talk about food and cartoons.


When Jayden caught up to Connor and Tyler he said, "Hey, what did you have for breakfast?". Tyler replied, "Cereal!". Jayden made a face of amazement. Connor said, "I had eggs and bacon.". Jayden replied, "Cool! I had pancakes and bacon.". They all smiled and ran to class.


After a few seconds they arrived in the classroom and sat on the rug. More students arrived and then the teacher started class. They learned multiplication, played games, took a test and then they went outside.


They went to the playground and had recess. Jayden, Tyler, and Connor went on the slides and played tag. After 30 minutes they were called back inside to do another test.


Following the test, they went to the gym and play dragon's tail tag. Jayden didn't win but Connor did so they celebrated. After gym was lunch, Jayden's mom packed his lunch and out it into his backpack. He sat down at a table and opened his lunchbox. It had a peanut butter sandwich in a Ziploc bag, a pack of gummies, and a small bottle of water.


He ate lunch and talked to Tyler while Connor was at a different table. Lunchtime finished so he threw away his trash and put his lunchbox back into his backpack. They learned more about math and a little about science. Lastly they did art, they used crayons and drew their favorite food. Jayden drew chicken nuggets, it was his best work yet.


They took their art and gave it to the teacher to "grade". She put a star on each page and game them back. They put the page in their backpacks and it was time to go home.


They got their backpacks and went outside. Connor left for the bus and Jayden and Tyler walked to the front to be picked up by their parents. Tyler's mom picked him up and Tyler said, "Bye, see you tomorrow!". Tyler and Jayden waved goodbye.


Jayden's mom drove up and picked Jayden up. They got in the car and Jayden's mom asked, "How was school today?". Jayden said, "It was fun, we played dragon tail tag and we drew food and we learned some math.". Jayden kept talking about his day for the rest of the drive.


It was technically a normal day for him but it was still fun. He likes the normal days and so does his friends.

The author's comments:

This is my time publishing so I am excited for someone else to read it. This is about a kid having a great normal day. I hope you like it.

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