The Zip Line To The Door Of death | Teen Ink

The Zip Line To The Door Of death

January 31, 2022
By bigmam BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
bigmam BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When I was in Cancun I had many thrilling adventures. But one of those allowed me to conquer my fear of heights.It all began with  me travailing in a big white van taking me to the compound.I heard screams that sounded like they were from miles away.But The thing I didn’t know if they were horror screams or happy screams.I would have to find out .

Then I noticed the big ATVs,the dark cave ,and the imcomphendable.We had planned the zip lining that day with us planning on doing the other experiences sometime later .With the employees giving instruction on how to put on the zipline gear on one by one,I was thinking of just sitting in the hammocks.if staying could have possibility of death .Especially my fear of heights which gates a lot of things like roller coasters and ziplining.           

.While I was there,the imaginary little person in my head offered me two pills.He told me”if you take the blue pill,you have no fun and won't have an experience. If you take the  red pill,you will have the experience of a lifetime.” He looked like a clean dressed man with a black suit.

So I thought of the many outcomes of the blue and red pill,but the imaginary little person was right.So I decided to take the red pill. 

    So I took the big steps of climbing  the stairs to my demise. With the hand of death grasping me walking up the stairs.Who knew that death could have been so close? My naive self thought it was miles away. With the stair creaking with every step,it sounded like screaming and wailing asking to be freed.Every step with the dread heavying on my shoulders . With weighing me down more and more feeling its grip.With it feeling like miles away from the top.

Now that we're up there at the top of the  zip line platform, I feel like I’m on death's doorstep  with nobody  to save me .I went on the zipline with the harness manager putting the zipline gear on me. With me on the zipline gliding with the airbrushing in my hair feeling the wind.It felt like there was a graveyard on the grass below with the names the people who failed this adventure.With me realizing that this is death with this being knew this is when I will die.I just thought that I was gonna fall here but he knew this would all be over with soon . I knew that the wind was fake but I could not fall asleep especially right here.Where I wouldn’t even have a death bed.with me tired,drowsing off into the sunset.   

I knew it was all gonna be worth it with the tacos. In the end I was the victor and got my prize for the complementary tacos and salad bar.But everyone knew I cared for one more than the other. With me knowing if I could conquer this I could conquer anything.That was probably the adrenaline running through my veins.With the tacos being the proof of me being able to conquer almost anything but the ocean.

The author's comments:

The story of my life and how i almost died

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