Libbi with an I, Not a Y | Teen Ink

Libbi with an I, Not a Y

March 3, 2022
By Anonymous

My name means love. It means emotion. It feels like warmth trickling down your spine when you sit in front of a fireplace. It feels like the sympathy you receive when holding a loved one close. It is the sensation of knowing you are loved and having the ability to share that love with others. 

My name means comfort. It feels like the relief you endure when you finally feel the first tear flows from your eyes leaving a trail down your cheek. My name is the heat that luminates your face on a beautiful summer day. Laughing with your friends and wishing you could stay in that moment forever. It feels like the realization that you are not alone. 

Although my name carries love and comfort, it also carries pain. The pain that allows you to grow into someone you are proud of. The pain that will someday turn into happiness. My name is the colorful rainbow that gently reveals itself after a treacherous storm. The blooming of flowers after a seemingly endless winter. It is the spark of hope that things will get better. 

Libbi. The name that represents these feelings. The name that I have worn since I was a child and roots from my real name, Elizabeth. There is no particular reason why my parents gave me this name. They merely liked the simplicity of Elizabeth. The uniqueness of Libbi.

Libbi with an I, not a y. My whole life I have had to clarify my name; to my friends, teachers, and even relatives. Seeing the confusion on others' faces when I tell them the correct spelling of my name entertains me. Being unique is part of my identity. It makes me who I am.

I would never change my name. The name that holds love,comfort,and pain. My name expresses my emotions and tells my story. 


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