Opposite Sides | Teen Ink

Opposite Sides

March 15, 2022
By Anonymous

One day, Ukraine was peacefully trading with their neighboring country, Russia, when suddenly no one could access food, water, or health care. Soon people had used the last of their medicine. Ukria was as surprised as a pufferfish and as scared as a squirrel. She saw people begging others for help. When things seemed to be getting better…Russia walked in and said, “We  rule you now so surrender peacefully or fight us!” I believe that one person spoke out, “Why wont you leave us alone you super annoying, self obsessed, entitled, no good Sovidiot! We’re our own country now and maybe you need your eyes checked because everyone else can see it. Then the president of Russia rode up in a limousine and started to talk, “I am Mr. Poutine and I am invading Ukraine because you were part of Russia before the Soviet Unicorn fell. Then you became your own country, but you will always be Russians!” 

The next day Ukria went to school and there was a new boy. His name was Nuke. She had to do school work with him. He did not say a word until recess. 

When recess came he asked her, “Privet menya zovut nyuk kak tvoi?” She stared blankly at him.  

He said “ah you look Russian so I thought you spoke Russian.” 

“What did you say?” she asked. 

“I said ‘Hello my name is Nuke, whats yours?’” 

“I am Ukria. But you’re Russian and were at war now! Wait why am I even talking to you?” 

“Don't go!” he said “I’m not like them! I don't want to go to war. I hate the ways of war! Will you be my friend?” 

“I suppose so but we both want war to stop so should we try to stop it?” said Ukria. 

“Two kids trying to stop an entire war?” Ukria looked anxious in his pause.

“I like our odds!” said Nuke. “But how are we going to stop the war? Nuke asked. 

“I don't know!” said Ukria “Oh what if we tell the important people that we are going to put flowers in their guns and then do it a week later!” 

“That will work!” said Nuke. “I will tell my father!” 

“Who’s your father?” asked Ukria. 

“My father is Poutine” said Nuke. 

“My father is the general of the Ukrainian army who is leading us against Poutine’s attacks,” she said. 

“So we’ll both” said Nuke. 

“Tell our parents!” finished Ukria. “We’ll tell tonight and then safely sabotage.” Ukria said. 

Nuke saw Ukria go home for the day and knew she would tell her father. Then Nuke went home but was welcomed with a gunshot right above his eye. He was in serious pain. He was shot by a Ukrainian soldier. Suddenly his father came in with a gun and shot the Ukrainian soldier. The soldier was still alive but Poutine grabbed his son and rushed him to a doctor. The doctor got the bullet out, and wrapped his head up in bandages. 

“You will have to stay in bed for three weeks,” said the doctor. Then the doctor left. Nuke’s father stayed. 

Nuke said “Dad, me and my Ukrainian friend are going to sabotage you next week by sticking flowers in your guns.” 

“You will not sabotage!” Poutine said. 

“Well now you know so be aware!” Nuke said. 

Nukes father suddenly had a face of stone with an angry expression on it.  He got up and exited the room. Nuke was all alone. Nuke got up and grabbed some rope and tied it to a pole near the window, then he flung the rope down to the ground and started climbing down. He was going to Ukria’s house. 

On his way to Ukria’s he bumped into Ukria herself! 

“I came to see how it w- what happened to you?!!” she asked. “I got shot by one of your soldiers!” 

 He said “You need to rest!” said Ukria. 

“No!” said Nuke. “We need to do our sabotage tomorrow; they are expecting us next week!”

“But you need to rest!” said Ukria .

“My last answer is NO! We will march right through the battle field holding hands and then maybe they will stop the war! You will be on the right side and I will be on the left.  Got it? We will do it  tomorrow!” yelled Nuke,

 “Ok, Ok,” said Ukria. The next day came soon enough. Nuke and Ukria Prepared themselves for the good things they would see and for the bad things. Nuke and Ukria started out after lunch holding hands and making their way to the battle field. When they arrived they saw huge hill like things with the Russian soldiers on the right,  and the Ukrainian soldiers on the left. When the best friends stepped up on a dirt dune all eyes where on them.

“Don’t shoot!” they both said. 

 They started walking through  the middle. When they got to a huge hill they climbed up on it and said “We are friends! If we can become friends then you can too!”

 “Stop the war NOW!” said Nuke.

Suddenly a boy from the Russian team got up and waved a white flag. Then a Ukrainian soldier did the same. Both sides had surrendered! Poutine was not happy with this. He grabbed a soldiers gun and aimed it at Ukria but another soldier grabbed it and broke it into bits. Poutine was so angry he fell over backwards. One of the Russian soldiers asked a Ukrainian soldier to marry him. Ukria saw Ukrainian soldiers embracing  Russians, but Ukria saw Poutine riding away with a rope around his wrists and a rope binding his ankles. She knew he was going to jail for all the bad things he did. Ukria found the Ukrainian soldier and asked him “Did you say yes?” The Ukrainian soldier said that they had said yes. Then Ukria went to find her father.  Her father was looking for her. She was about to run into a hug from her father when she realized she left Nuke. She raced backed to him. She saw he was OK. She invited Nuke to  meet her father and Nuke said he would come. Ukria’s father had found them! Ukria ran into a hug! After the hug only then did he notice Nuke. He scooped Nuke up in a hug and said “Nice job kid!” Then the father took Ukria and Nuke by the hand and started guiding them towards a land vehicle and started driving towards camp. When they got there he lifted them out of the vehicle. He picked up both of them and ran them to a new doctor. The doctor gave Nuke a new bandage but told him not to put it on yet. She inspected the injury and put some stuff on it and then put the bandage on and told him to come back in three days. 

Nuke came back in three days and the doctor said he would be good in three weeks. Ukria went to talk to her father about having Nuke live with them until Poutine gets out of jail. Ukria’s father said yes that Nuke could stay with them. But he also thought that they should travel around the world and help other wars stop. And thats exactly what they did. Well until Nuke head was better. Nuke said that riding in a land vehicle hurt his head.

The author's comments:

In response to the Ukraine-Russian War, I'm hoping that this story will inspire you to help stop the war. 

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