Escape From a Dark Past | Teen Ink

Escape From a Dark Past

June 1, 2022
By Anonymous

“Jev, babe, they’re bad people, you’re a good guy, there is no reason why you should be hanging out with them.” 
“Yes, I know I know but it's not like I have a choice. Believe me, I want to leave. But I can’t.” 
Lambeth 10 is a very violent gang, but Jev isn't like that at all. He joined as a kid and now he can’t leave. When they have fights, Jev tries to resolve everything, but the gang just starts hitting and stabbing. He hates his life there.  
“Just distance yourself from them, they won't realize.” 
“Ok babe I’ll try.” 
The next day, Jev arrives late to the Bush plant1 and leaves early without doing a lot of work. Muhammad is there as well and the two of them get distracted and start talking. Arthur, the gang leader, comes over and throws Muhammad a mop. 
“Oi Muhammad, clean up a bit, yeah? I know your kind is good at these types of things.” This makes everyone burst out laughing. Muhammad is hesitant as he is hurt but Arthur says: “Go on then.” Muhammad has no choice but to start cleaning. 
 Then slowly over some of the weeks,  Jev doesn’t show up at all to distance himself from the gang. The one day he shows up, he is called to Arthur’s office. When someone is called to Arthur’s office, it is not just to chat, so Jev is scared. He enters the chamber of the Human Jabba the Hutt. An office filled with the smell of Doritos, pizza and weed. 
“Sit down,” a deep voice says.  
“Oi Arthur, you got somethin’ in your teeth mate,” says Jev. Arthur gets a mirror, sees that he has something in his teeth, picks up a gun and shoots Jev.  
“You trying to embarrass me?” says Arthur. Except that’s not what he said at all. He didn’t even shoot Jev. That was all in Jev’s imagination as he is very scared of Arthur. Instead, Arthur gets a toothpick and spends quite some time picking the salami from his yellow teeth.  
“Listen you rat, I get the feelin’ you’re tryin’ to leave. That is not happening. You understand me?” exclaims Arthur.  
“Yeah Arthur, of course” says Jev. So Jev returns to his place at the plant and starts packaging the weed as is his job.  
“Hey Jev,” says Muhammad. Then Arthur comes to Muhammad to make fun of him and hit Muhammad in the stomach.  
“What are you going to do, pray?” Everyone except for Jev, who is sad about his friend, laughs. In the Afternoon, Jev goes home and then meets with Muhammad. They talk about how they both want to leave Lambeth 10 but are unable to. Then they plan. They would both just not go anymore to the plant. Arthur doesn’t know their houses so he can’t do anything to them. By the time, Arthur has realized they will have already moved to somewhere else in London.  
The next day came and Jev and Muhammad wake up and meet up for coffee in the morning. Then they go to the park, and then they each go home for lunch. They each meet up with different people in different places and do what a normal 19-year-old does in London. Then as the sun goes down, they say their goodbyes to their loved ones in London and start packing up their things. Jev leaves his key for his house under his doormat while Muhammad is still packing up. Jev meets up with Mia and they start walking to the train station. They planned to go to a city in the north and live there.  
On the way downstairs, Muhammad is caught by Muhammad’s dad. It was not a good idea for Muhammad to still live with his parents and be part of a gang, but it was not his choice.  
“Where are you going.” Muhammad’s dad says. 
“Nowhere, I’m just going to Jev’s house.” 
Muhammad’s dad bends down and opens the suitcase. He sees that there are a lot more things in there than for just one night. 
“Muhammad, don’t lie to me.” 
“Dad let me explain.” 
Jev and Mia are smiling and are relieved that they finally escaped from this madness. On the way to the train station, Arthur comes out from nowhere with 3 of his boys.  
“I see you were coming to the warehouse. Come on, we are going there as well.” Arthur says. The boys around Arthur see that Jev is hesitating so one of them shows a knife and Jev and Mia follow them to the warehouse.  
“Oi, tell that piece of crap Muhammad to come as well,” So, Jev texts Muhammad: ‘Med, come quick to the warehouse, they caught us, and they’ll mess you up if you don’t show up’ 
Muhammad meanwhile is talking to his father about Lambeth 10 and not being able to leave and trying to escape by going up north. He hears his phone beep, but he and his father are having a deep conversation. 
“Muhammad this is absurd. Just tell the police.” 
“Dad, they’ll hurt me even from in the nick2 and they’ll hurt you too.” 
“Just talk to Jev to fix this situation or else I’m getting involved.” 
“Ok dad I’ll head there now.” 
In the warehouse, Arthur is waiting for Muhammad to show up, but he is nowhere to be found. 
“I think Muhammad might need some face-to-face convincing, right boys?” So, Arthur, the 3 boys, Mia and Jev are on the way to Muhammad’s house. When exiting the warehouse, Jev and Mia pick up some shards of glass just in case. On the way to Muhammad’s house, they see Muhammad standing outside Jev’s house with his phone in his hand.  
“Oi Muhammad, you good?” 2 of the three boys start charging at Muhammad. Jev pulls out the glass from his pocket and stabs Arthur. Mia runs towards Muhammad and stabs one of the boys in his back. Jev turns around and stabs the boy standing with Arthur. Mia then runs and stabs the other boy charging at Muhammad. Mia and Jev both gasp and look at what they have done. They start crying and hugging.  
“We’ll be in prison for our whole life.” they wail. 
“Guys guys guys,” says Muhammad “We know everything about Lambeth’s operation. We can ask for a reduced sentence if we give information.” 
Wiping his tears, Jev says, “Med’s right, we gotta snitch. But at least we are safe now innit. We can go to our homes safely now without fear from Arthur.” 
They all hug and go straight to the police station. AND in 2 months they open a supermarket in the middle of Lambeth which grows to be the biggest supermarket in the neighborhood. 

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