The Murder of Mary Smith | Teen Ink

The Murder of Mary Smith

September 15, 2022
By AngelPerez BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
AngelPerez BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Michael had a mental problem due to his mother’s mental abuse. He had a friend named Dan who suddenly stopped talking to him due to his mother threatening him behind Michael’s back. When he found out he was furious and ran home Dan tried to calm him down but couldn’t do anything. Next day, the news spread that Michael was arrested and currently being interrogated.

“The Present”

“Listen kid, tell us what happened,” said the detective. Michael stayed quiet for a bit then let out a long and heavy sigh “you guys want the truth? I killed her.” “Well why did you kill her kid?” “Because she has been tormenting me my entire life, messing with my head.” “Well why didn’t you file a report?” “Don’t you think I’ve tried? Every time I’ve done so she kept manipulating me making it seem like it was my imagination to the point I was well known in the police station as a town lunatic and now don’t believe me anymore.” “Well kid, why don’t you tell us how it happened?” “Ok.” Michael then proceeds to tell them how his mother, Mary Smith manipulating him thinking what she has done never happened from the start when he was just a child. “Well kid we will look into the files to see who she was and if she ever had any felonies or a disability though I doubt it.” “Ok officer.” The detective then left, and Michael was alone with his thoughts. “Do you feel any remorse?” A voice said, “Do you feel any guilt?”  Michael began to hear voices since he was a kid due to his mothers phycological abuse no one knew this not even his friend Dan, “No I don’t.” “Do you think she deserved this?” “Yes, she has ruined my mental state my entire life.” When Michael finished that sentence in his head the detectives came back in. “Coffee?” “No thank you”.” The detective sat down and put his coffee on the side. “So, you ready to tell us how it happened?” Michael nodded. “Good now begin when you want.” “Ok so what happened was...”

1 Week Ago

Michael is just getting out of class, humming to himself. Suddenly his friend Dan arrived “Michael! Wait up I have to show you something!” Michael turned around in confusion due to Dan not talking to him for a week. Dan finally caught up and was winded because he ran to much. “What do you want Dan?” “Dude! Your mother is crazy” Michael notices the worried and horrified face. “What are you talking about?” “Your mother threatened me that’s why I haven’t talked to you this week.” “You really are crazy.” Dan then pulls out footage with audio showing Mary, Michael’s mother pointing a knife at Dan’s Throat. “You believe me now?!”

Present Time Again

“I was in shock when he told me and showed me that, I didn’t know how to react, I was Exacerbated with blind rage.” The detective decided to speak again “What did you do after he told you that?” “I ran home to ask my mother about that situation.”

Back in the Past

“MOM!” “Yes dear?” “Can you explain this?!” Michael then shows his mother the video of her threatening Dan to stay away from Michael. “I can explain dear-.” “Then Explain! This entire week I dawdled thinking I did something wrong to him but no, it was you who did it! Now I see why people I made friends with stopped talking to me! Because you Defamed me making them afraid of you! Why mother WHY?!” “Because Michael, They don’t deserve you they weren’t the ones who brought you into this world I did! I know what is right and what is wrong!” “What is wrong with having friends?! Most of them were the smartest kids in class, plus I’m almost 18, I should be going to malls or watching movies with friends! Not sitting in the hallway alone while I hear people snickering and whispering behind my back while they pass by. I know you want to protect me, but I have to live my life.” When Michael turned around, he saw his mother lunge at him with a needle with a liquid inside it. He notices it was his medicine and realized his own mother drugged him since he was a kid to make him stay. When he put the pieces all together and his capricious mind blinded him with rage. He pushed his mother off him and grabbed a knife from the kitchen and began to rush towards her. Since Michael had more strength, he easily stabbed her, but his rage didn’t felt satisfied he just kept stabbing till he was tired and realized what he has done. When he saw her, he realized what he stabbed her 37 times. He began to process what to do.

Back to the Present

“That’s when you guys showed up and took me away.” “Well then due to you being a minor still you will be sent to a mental institute to make sure you won’t do it again and help you with your trauma.

The author's comments:

What inspired me was all the cases that have been seen of people who have killed someone but had a cause for it and wasn't able to explain

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