When I Escaped War | Teen Ink

When I Escaped War

November 13, 2022
By Anonymous

It was a horrific day in Ukraine where I was stationed during the war, it all started a few years ago when Ukraine was attacked. It was attacked due to Ukraine used to be part of the USSR, and modern Russia wanted to reunite Ukraine as their land as it was in the period of the USSR. 

My partner Dave and I were stationed together in a hotel that was struck by a missile. Even though it was very unconfortable to be in, it was what we needed to do. While we were eating we awaited orders from the commander. During that time, we started to decide what we would do when we return home from here. Dave always did and does like to just relax, sit around, not really do anything, eat a lot, while myself, I like to do the same thing, but instead do gaming most of the time. Due to Dave not liking to do anything, he was more on the hefty side, not really into going to the gym, while I, like to go workout every so often.  

While we were eating Dave accidentally knocked over the only canister of water we had left. The water spilled over the ledge and we worried that it could attract enemy attention, and that it did. Within a few minutes there was tons of enemy troops surronding the building, we were worried we wouldn’t make it out alive. Just then, we were ambushed by enemies, 20 soldiers versus me and Dave, we thought we weren’t going to make it out at all, right at that moment we started to fight back. 

We were able to push through. We were able to get through them all but many more were still around the building, just then I saw that Dave had good chance he wasn’t going to make it, during the fight he must have gotten wounded in the chest. 

He was gushing blood, both of us knew he wasn’t going to make it so we thought of a plan to try to get me out, and that we did. We were able to get through the back, where there was a window, but waiting there was 1 enemy, by himself, so I was able to disable him and 

right then I was able to get out, but sadly, Dave didn’t make it out with me. I started to run, ran as fast as my body would let me. I was able to get back to my apartment, even though abandoning where you’re stationed is illegal, I didn’t want to risk death. Due to me used to being in the air force, I was able to go to the base I was stationed at, and take a jet to a safer place.

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