War of 2025 | Teen Ink

War of 2025

March 1, 2023
By Jordankeiter51 BRONZE, Springfield, Ohio
Jordankeiter51 BRONZE, Springfield, Ohio
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In 2025 A war had been declared on the United States of America by China and the war waged on for about 7 years and the U.S military was defeated but there were still about 350 million citizens living in America and were horrified to find out that they had no military and no protection. Up in Washington was the biggest sized invasion and the Chinese were dropping out of the sky going in on boats and most of the citizens were killed but they didn't want to kill a lot for some reason. But I ran and didn't stop.

I was one of these groups who did not have much of a chance because we were starving and needed food. About 15 of us went out from the house and scavenged, luckily not crossing into the sight of any enemies. On the way back we came across a checkpoint of the Chinese taking people as prisoner or slaves but we didn't really know so we waited out until it was night and the guards were tired and less aware so we went back home but before we got to the door we saw that someone has broken in and no one was around so our group must have sprinted off. We had a tracker in the group. His name was Shane and luckily it rained the night before so we were able to see the muddy tracks and we tracked them to a small creek with a shack so we grouped up and ate. By this time it was already morning and we knew we had to go out and try to find weapons and groups. We walked all the way to Kentucky where on the way we found a well armed group that took us in and at least right now most of the foreign military is east of us but are moving closer day by day so that means we have to as well. 

A week goes by and our group has been on the move wondering what's going on and what their next move knowing it could only be bad and we come across another checkpoint and by this time we have enough people to fight a little bit. There are about 156 people in our group so we strategize and try to save the prisoners. The First of the plan begins at night and it is rainy so we go in knives only and take out the men on the perimeter and take their disguises and we go in and continue taking out the troops until one of our guys is caught so we have to start with the guns and we finally take the place. We gained a huge amount of materials and ammunition as well as manpower so we took shelter for a few days and got our minds back on track. We think for a long while about plans and who in the world could ever do anything because guerilla tactics only work to a certain extent especially because we have no actual military. So we realize that they have a lot of people in work camps sort of like concentration camps and if we try to take out the guards there we will be able to get more people on our side and build a small army. 

We come to our second camp and it's a little bigger than expected but we fight and lose quite a bit of men but we gained more than 5 times the amount we lost and this is our strategy for awhile until the Chinese figure out what were are doing and start defending and actively searching for our group so we have started to lay low for a few weeks. Time goes by pretty slow and the army is slowly moving west which means we have to as well. Knowing the military is on our trail, we stop and climb up trees and wait for them so we can ambush as many as possible. Most of us might die but we have men under the ground and some in the trees and some that have snipers. The only thing we need is man power and we know that we are not likely to win this war but we would rather die fighting then living a life of constant abuse and unfairness. So we fight and have to keep falling back but eventually their squad dwindles. As long as we dont get in close quarters with them we should have an easier fight because most of us aren't trained.

We're still on our journey west trying to stay ahead of the enemy and we come across a very small group of people. A guy named Theodore knows the codes for missile launches in Washington D.C but they are also trying to stay ahead of the enemy but now that they are with us we will now try our hardest to get there. Our plan is being made along the way and once we get there we plan to send out teams to search for bases so we can mark down the coordinates and hit our targets percisley. We know if we do this now we can stop them before they reach their goal. We still don't know how to actually work it but Theodore says it's not very hard even though he never actually did it himself. I never actually thought we would ever actually succeed or come this close to stopping the war. Even if the military couldn't do it in time we might be able to catch them off guard. Thinking about the end of the war, we have no idea how many people/citizens are still alive so we would still have an extremely weak country but every country starts somewhere. 

Half of our group wants to go west for more people but the other half wants to go to the capital and we don't wanna split because that just cuts our number in half. We decide to keep going west in hopes of gathering a bigger army. There isn't much ground to cover and the west already has a lower population than the east which is a bit annoying but the more the better. Right now we have about a few thousand which seems like alot but isn't really. We come across a smaller group of people that aren't doing so well and we obviously take them in. Sadly that was all we came across so we went all the way back across the mainland and that took us a very long time considering we had to go very sneakily. We take a week long break and make sure everyone is doing the best they can be. A couple people are sick with pneumonia so we separate them for a while because we don't all wanna be sick.Sadly one of the sick dies right before we get to the next “checkpoint” and it's not very big. We have an idea that would take a while. We send the sick into the camps and infect most of the soldiers there and then while most are sick they request more medicine and thus we get more meds and an easy win. While we wait we decide we can also intercept most of the supplies coming into the camp but only very slowly so they dont notice. Which will also weaken them. We wait and talk pretty much like every night but since we're staying here for a little while we decide to get to know most people. Most of them are nice because we want the best right now. There are still certain groups but they aren't as noticeable. But it's been almost a month and we have gathered a whole bunch of supplies and if they aren't sick then we're still attacking at night to make sure we still have the best chance at beating them. By  now everyone on our team is just about back to normal so we make a plan, a sniper on all sides of the perimeter so we have a line of sight, then we have a smaller group that goes in first to try and take out as many and as sneakily as possible. If we hear an alarm we send everyone in from the entrance and some from over the walls to confuse and get troops in behind the line of fire. This is our biggest fight yet but we know we can win. 

It's night and we go through with our plan, an hour of fighting and we win by a lot. Now we have lots of ammunition, we start going east which is going to take weeks but hopefully by then the foreign military will think they have gotten everyone and we will take them by surprise. On our way we come across a group of Canadians and it turns out it's a team from the Canadian military and they are going to help us get to the east coast. Our odds keep getting better even though they might not actually be that good. We tread on without stopping and everything is going fine, well as fine as it could be. We're in Iowa almost in Illinois and the patrolling is getting a lot more frequent as we move east but we still have a very long journey.

The Canadian army said we should be getting another brigade and we should meet in Ohio in about a week, which hopefully we will make it. The brigade we came across has helped so much with strategy and stuff we wouldn't have known, and the technology they have helps a lot. It's gonna take a few weeks of careful traveling to get to. Now that we're in Illinois we still have Indiana to go through and with not many people in the states we are in we haven't had very many encounters and when we do we are trying to avoid them to save ammunition and lives. Indiana is a little more populated so we might try and take out another outpost to get even more supplies for when the other brigade shows up. We prepare like always but we have the first brigade to help us strategize even better, now with new ideas we are able to save more lives.


It's night like always but some of us have laser sight on our weapons and we have smoke and tear gas so we have a huge advantage. We go in and take out the ones we can with knives and then we have snipers with suppressors that take out the guard towers and on the ground we have to start using our weapons as soon as we can before they catch on and we win, a huge win for us bc now we have a lot more ammunition. 

Ohio, we now have met up with the 2nd brigade and it is way bigger than the 1st brigade but now that we're on our way straight to D.C we will get there alot faster but we are also a much bigger target to spot so when we travel we travel a little distance apart just about enough to hear each group if we needed help. Surprisingly we still haven't run into any outposts because they are getting a lot denser. On our march to D.C. we become more scared but at the same time more excited in a sort of way because we know we have a chance at fighting as long as we get to the launch controls and directions.

We might even be able to intercept the signals at Washington D.C. and contact a foreign ally. But for now we just have to get to our destination.We haven't even seen the white house so we don't know how crowded it will be. We dont wanna put up a fight before we get inside if we don't have to. 

Almost into the white house district we take a vantage point on a tall building far away and spy for a few days to track patrol routes. A week goes by and the 2 brigades separate in groups and teach the civilian group how to use certain weapons and what to do in certain situations so we can fight as best as possible. We don't think the Chinese want to destroy everything especially since they have not yet or even killed as many people as they could've. We also know that China has the biggest military personnel wise but they don't have 300 million personnel so we have the upperhand if we play it smart, we could once we get to the missile commands attack outpost by outpost.

After planning we move towards the bunker under the white house for the command room, the white house is very crowded with military patrols so for this part we only send in mainly brigade 2 but not all just in case everything goes south because if it does we still have the other brigade of well trained personnel. We also set up comms to hear each other, But back to the fight, So far so, we're already inside the district and haven't no troops have seen us come in, Were worried that the doors or anything could have sensor alarms and if so then we will have to block the the entrance to the basement. We are going through the roof to get in and we leave one of the men at the top of the roof to look out. Now we're in and it seems they have trashed the inside and no one is here, which is a very good thing because we don't think they know about or where the basement is so hopefully we can. But hopefully Theodore can recognise where it's at. There's rubble everywhere and it's almost unrecognizable and we don't even know if we can even get inside of the bunker because it could be locked. 

We have found the bunker underneath of the president's chair, surprisingly enough they haven't found it but we don't know how to get in unless you just have to find the right button or something but if we can figure it out well either get caught or the plan will be ruined for nothing. We search for hours and hours on end quietly knowing there has to just be some ways to get in. A bookshelf gets knocked down and we hear a faint metal noise like a key and we all st and look at each other and looking back at the ground but we don't see anything so it must've been buried under the huge shelf which is going to be hard to move but we wedge it out of the way and we are able to find the key, at this point we don't even know if its the right key but it looks cool so we try and there are 3 key holes in the bunker door and the key we found only unlocks the middle one, by know we are extremely frustrated because it took us forever to find the first key and now we have to find 2 more. I realized when i looked at the key for a minute that there was a design on it and on one side it had a book which relates to book shelf and on the other side there was a chimney so we send a few people to go look while the rest stay for look out and to keep the bunker safe.

the y come running back with a key after about an hour and we fit the key into the whole but it doesn't do anything but as the same as the other key there is a picture on the back of another room but we can't seem to decipher what its depicting, eventually we give up and go to sleep for the night which might be bad because with broken walls and such it might be easy to see inside so we leave and go back to our group on the roof and we let everyone study the key while we sleep so we are well rested in the morning to fight if we have to. I get woken up by one of our guys telling us that he knows where the third key is so we wait till night because it's nearly impossible to get inside of the district in the day let alone the White house, there might not be people inside but there are alot of patrol routes and we just want to play it safe. Its nearly night so were getting ready this time even more prepared for a fight because once were inside and launch the missile the war has started a new beginning and 

The key is in a secret room in the white house and we have no idea how this guy knows but at least he does so we eventually find the key and hurry our way to the bunker and it opens  it actually opens. We don't want to celebrate too early but we're so excited, this is the beginning of a new beginning. We run down to the bunker making sure it closes behind us and the lookout we have on the roof covers it up because we don't want any tracks to be left behind, we can't risk the chance we have. We get down there but there isn't any power so we run around looking for a power switch because we know there is backup electricity from the river nearby so all we need is to find out how to get it started. In the back of the bunker there are witches so i flip all of them and the power comes on, we run to the the ain room and theodore gets started with his codes and what not but he says it's gonna take while due to him having to do everything instead of a team so we let him do his thing for an hour and he says he's ready, Were pumped and ready for this launch and and we hear the missile being fired and we pray. We hear the military freaking out and driving around confused, The military also doesn't have anything to shoot down missles with them so the odds are even better, There are large outpost/checkpoints in every state and small ones in every city so we fire the ones at the biggest neat ur which would be New York, We coordinate the missile to hit every outpost near us and we launch the first set of missiles. It doesn't take long for the missiles to reach the destination but once the first missiles hit we start our plan to try and contact the other countries to send help. While we have people working the missiles we have people working on communication and hoping it doesn't get intercepted but the chinese. We are still not going to tell anyone our location because that's our whole operation and we can't risk it no matter what.

The missiles have been hit and we get to the nearest destroyed outpost and we take their comms and tell every citizen in the outpost to start riots to fight back while we take the upper hand with missiles. Our plan is to go from east to west and at some point we are going to move bunkers to the one in northern texas so we have range and before then we have to clear everything in the east and build up our army and ammunition to fight back like normal to save more citizen lives.

Everything is going as smoothly as possible. By now we're in Florida territory and then once we're done with that we'll fight our way into Texas and hopefully the Chinese haven't taken or found that bunker but from what we know. Now that we are near the bunker we have to have Theodore open up the second bunker from where he is at and once we get inside we lock it from the inside like before. We launch the next missile except the plan for this is we're going to start on the west coast so we can narrow out the ground that the Chinese army can fight on and they won't be able to run. Now that were in and have everything set up we know leave a small group inside the bunker and the whole rest of the group will have the mission of going out and fighting on the ground and looking for more outposts and as well and working finding the commons of the outposts and trying to tell the others to fight which which we have no sign of working. There are five outposts on the west side and two from the group on the ground. We are entering our third group and we are able to get them comms up and running so were able to tell everyone in the outposts to start rioting, we were also able to contact Britain and we will be getting an huge group of third army and navy to defend the coast from any more invasions in the meantime. A few days went by and there were a few more states west and a few more outposts destroyed from the west going east.

On our most recent attack we got a call over the communications and China is sending more troops from the west coast and we need to hurry up and finish our mission so we can be prepared for the next fight. We have Britain and Canada can still send more troops whenever so we have a pretty good chance because we also have a huge population if we get finished with the outposts which we only have a few more states. We're going all night and day by now trying to get finished for the next fight. Which we know is going to be real soon, a day or two goes by and were just about done when we group up in D.C back at the original bunker and make a plan, we also are going to try an arm every able body possible with a weapon and at least train them to know how to use a weapons. The plan is that we are going to set up by the west coast where they are going to start the attack but we're going to hide and sneak attack the first group and then we are going to fall back and let the British army take over. The navy has to take out a few ships but we're going to need a lot more to make a difference.

Were prepared for this fight as we'll ever be and we can see the ships of the horizon coming fast and they have no idea where we were at. The fist ship lands and we attack going in almost at full power and we take out the first wave and fall back and let the navy take down the next wave before it gets to us. We wait a long time for the next wave and we prepare and get ready for the next fight. The next fight we fall back and take a huge hit and we bolt east towards the mountains and take cover hoping we can fend off. I think I've bitten off more than we can chew. We call the canadian to send more more troops and they do but its taking quite a bit to get here and we are holding ourselves in the meantime but not for long, its like they just keep coming, we meet up with the canadian army up from the chinese and we strategize in the time we can prepare for the next fight. A Lot of people have died and we don't know how many but it's more than needed. We don't know if well ever win but at least we gave it a try.

The author's comments:

My name is Jordan Keiter and I wrote this short story for a project in my english class

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