The Amazing Time I Had | Teen Ink

The Amazing Time I Had

March 7, 2023
By AdelleS BRONZE, Timnath, Colorado
AdelleS BRONZE, Timnath, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

By the time we arrived at the campsite, it was starting to get dark. My friend Lily and I were tasked with going out in search of firewood. We quickly brought an armful of branches and logs back to our camp and noticed our two dads already had our tents set up. As our dads lit the campfire, the smoke kept blowing in my face. It stung my eyes, but the warmth of the fire felt good in the cold night air. The funny thing is that every time I moved around the fire, the smoke followed me, which made Lily laugh. After sunset, we enjoyed sitting in our camping chairs and staring up at the beautiful night sky. It looked incredible. It was full of stars and I could see the glow of the milky way. There was a lake nearby and we decided to explore the shoreline. As we peeked into the water, we noticed movement.  Crawdads were walking along the water’s edge and fighting with each other using their big orange claws. It was entertaining to watch. Lily and I decided to lie down on the sand and see if we could see constellation shapes in the stars. I found a fish and Lily saw a bunny. As we lay there, we could hear the crackling of the campfire in one direction, and hear the sound of the lake water lapping the shore in the other direction. The sand found its way into our shoes and was very itchy on our skin. The dads yelled our names from afar and we replied, “be right there!”  Our dads set up the fixings for s'mores, but since I’m not a big fan of them, I decided to just toast a marshmallow. I love the crispy burn on the outside and the warm gooey sweetness on the inside. It was delicious! Soon after, we all started to yawn and decided it was time to head off to bed, so our dads extinguished the campfire. I loved hearing the water sizzle on the hot logs. In our tents, we wrapped ourselves in our sleeping bags. It was chilly away from the campfire, but our blankets and sleeping bags kept us very warm. In the morning when I woke up, I immediately smelled the scent of campfire smoke on my sweatshirt and wondered if we were going to have a campfire for breakfast.  I woke up my friend and we decided to go see if breakfast was ready.  Lily had hot oatmeal, but since I dislike oatmeal, I ate one of those mini store-bought cereals. I always choose the chocolate crisp cereal and as usual Dad always packs a few of them for me. Our dads surprised us with a game of paintball in the nearby woods. The best part was that our dads gave us the paintball guns and let us shoot at them while they ran around dodging our shots.  I could hear the sound of paintballs cracking as they slammed into tree trunks.  Lily hit her dad first with a bright green paintball and we could hear him yelp.  He was okay and we all laughed.  Soon after, I got my dad in his arm with a bright orange paintball.  It didn’t take long for us to run out of paintballs and our dads to run out of breath. Soon after, our dads took down the tents and we began packing up all of our gear. We ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch while our dads told funny stories of when they went camping as kids.  Lily and I said our goodbyes and left the campsite. As my dad and I drove home, I stared out of the car window and thought about what an amazing time I had.

The author's comments:

I chose this writing because I love going camping and these are some of the things I would do when I went camping. I usually go camping with my dad and it's really fun. 

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