The Hall of Warriors | Teen Ink

The Hall of Warriors

April 9, 2023
By Lulu3672 SILVER, Locust, North Carolina
Lulu3672 SILVER, Locust, North Carolina
6 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Fair means everyone gets what they need and the only way to get what you need is to make it happen yourself” - Rick Riordan

“This museum is full of statues of famous people who have overcome struggles in life. Within The Hall of Warriors there are 5 statues with descriptions of each on a plate nailed onto the column they are displayed on.” The tour guide walked over to the first statue.

The first statue was a girl with her hair braided over the side. “The first warrior we have on display is Nekole. Nekole went through a lot. She suffered from depression for a long time but overcame it, through reaching out and getting support from friends and family. Nekole later went on to become a therapist to help others who struggled like she did. What Nekole suffered from was very severe and she overcame them and pulled through which has earned Nekole a spot in The Hall of Warriors. She shows that even if you suffer from depression as well you can overcome it.” The tour guide led the group to the second statue on display.

The next statue was also a girl with a ponytail. “The second statue is named Elise. Elise has been very self conscious of how she looked and wasn’t comfortable showing it. She often covered how she looked until she overcame it by learning to love the way she looked because she was beautiful no matter how she looked, she gained more confidence in herself and became the prettiest girl in every room and later on became a model. She shows that it doesn’t matter how you look, you're always beautiful and never should care about what others think, therefore she has earned a spot in The Hall of Warriors.” The tour guide gestured towards the plate and moved on to the next statue and the group followed.

The third statue was named John, John had a military cut. “John is our third stature, John wasn’t great at sports like others were and he was short. John was picked on and often was discouraged from playing sports until one day he was at home playing with a soccer ball and really enjoyed the sport he played and got better and better at it everyday. One day there were tryouts for the school’s soccer team and John was picked on by the other people the second he stepped on the field for being short and weak at sports. That was until someone passed him the ball. John played hard, and his work paid off all those days training and doing what he loved helped him get on the varsity team, despite what others said. John shows that even if you are discouraged from something if you like it, go for it and never stand down if you love what you do, so John has earned a spot in The Hall of Warriors.” The tour guide continued on with his tour to the next warrior.

The fourth statue’s name is James and he had a cane in his right hand. “James suffered an injury when he was very young he was saving an animal from the road when he got caught in the crossfire and had a severe accident done to his legs he was told the chances of him walking again were really slim, James was saddened by the conclusion once he was put into physical therapy James worked hard and was determined to walk again even though he made little progress he still made progress which gave him hope little by little and he was soon walking again by himself, it was still a struggle but he still made it through and was walking again, soon he was able to jog a little. Although he never completely recovered, he was determined and his determination got him through his injury which landed him a spot in The Hall of Warriors.” The tour guide went to the last and final statue.

The last and fifth warrior’s name is Stella and she was dressed in a graduation outfit. “Stella was poor with her mom and her brother and was severely bullied in school for it. Stella never really cared for their taunts but they still stung like a knife with one insult after another. Stella had points where she was so upset that people couldn’t understand what she’s been going through but didn’t let her anger get the best of her. She studied hard in school even though she was bullied she acknowledged that her situation could be worse and made sure to be grateful for what she had unlike the bullies at her school. Over time Stella’s hard work paid off and she got into a good college with a full ride just off her ACT scores and she finished college and got a job slowly climbing the ranks. Soon she became more successful than anyone from her high school and she managed to make sure her mom and brother lived comfortably. Her hard work also made her an inspiration which earned her a spot in The Hall of Warriors.” The tour guide turned to the tourist group and spoke.

“From this museum I hope you learn that whatever you're going through, whatever challenge it may be, you can and will overcome it. There's always a way even when you feel like there’s not, you just have to take the first step. The reason these people were chosen to be here was because they overcame something difficult there situations are no different than some others. Although they seem like they were chosen out of the blue they all share an important message that I hope you can all learn and spread.” The tour guide showed them out and reviewed the construction of a new statue being built.

The author's comments:

I want to spread a message, because there are a lot of teens out there struggling with something and I want them to have something to relate to and know they’re not alone. This piece is based off of a couple of people I know.

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