Fake Or Real: Frozen Walt Disney | Teen Ink

Fake Or Real: Frozen Walt Disney

June 30, 2023
By LeenAwamleh SILVER, Al-Salt, Other
LeenAwamleh SILVER, Al-Salt, Other
6 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Spread your wings,
It's time to fly.
Make the leap.
Own the sky.

Possibly brings to mind the hugely successful movie "Frozen," starring Elsa and Anna. However, there is also an unsettling urban legend that Walt Disney's body was cryogenically frozen with the intention of being awakened later.

Disney sought medical attention for neck and leg problems, but X-rays revealed lung cancer that had aggressively spread throughout his body. Despite immediate treatment, the beloved storyteller passed away on December 15, 1966, after a few weeks. He was the cartoon mogul behind Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck and also behind some of Hollywood's greatest hits.

It is difficult to pinpoint the precise start date of the rumors. A reporter for the tabloid newspaper The National Spotlite claimed to have entered St. Joseph's Hospital in Burbank, just across the street from the Disney studios, where Disney received care during his final illness, in the early weeks of 1967. The lifeless Disney was reportedly found hanging in a frozen metal cylinder after the reporter disguised himself as an orderly and broke into a storage area!

There are even claims that Walt Disney's frozen remains are buried beneath the grounds of Disneyland in Anaheim, California, possibly underneath the Pirates of the Caribbean rollercoaster.

But, one month after Disney's passing, the first incidence of cryonic preservation was recorded. Dr. James Bedford, a psychologist, was the patient. He was cryonically preserved and kept in storage by the Alcor Life Extension Foundation, a nonprofit that develops cryonic preservation technologies.

Wait a second, then why did these rumors start if cryonic preservation didn't start until a month after Walt Disney's passing? Well, cryonic preservation gained popularity when Robert Ettinger's book "The Prospect of Immortality" was released in 1964. Disney's body being frozen wasn't an absurd thought given that he died only a few years later. But the rumors didn't stop there; they continued even after his passing.

In 1986, 20 years after Disney's passing, "Disney's World," a biography written by novelist Leonard Mosley, was released. The book claimed that as his health worsened, Disney became interested in cryonic preservation and had his lung surgically removed and preserved entirely in case he was later brought back to life. However, many of Mosley's claims were found to be false.

"Walt Disney: Hollywood's Dark Prince," a biography written by Marc Elliot in 1993, is a second potential source for the Disney cryonics allegation. The biography described Disney's determination to keep his body intact and suggested that Disney had a "growing preoccupation with his own mortality" and was obsessed with death. The book also said that Disney was concerned about keeping his body intact.

Elliot did not cite any sources, and both Disney officials and Walt Disney's closest relatives denied ever discussing his desire to be frozen. In 1972, his daughter Diane said she didn't think Walt Disney had ever heard of cryonics, nor would he have desired to be frozen.

Also, there is a rumor that Disney made "Frozen" the movie as a cover-up so that when people search "Frozen," the results will be all about the movie. If that were the case, then congratulations because it worked!

So, what do you think?

The author's comments:

I am Leen a teenager who is so passionate when it comes to writing

love you all.


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on Jul. 6 2023 at 6:03 am
LeenAwamleh SILVER, Al-Salt, Other
6 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Spread your wings,
It's time to fly.
Make the leap.
Own the sky.

I loved it 🤍🤍