A Man Without a Mind | Teen Ink

A Man Without a Mind

September 1, 2023
By AndrewFenkldorpJr BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
AndrewFenkldorpJr BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A man, a man with out a mind, that man is me Sean Henderson. Locked in a room, my room, a room of my creation, I've made it the way I like it. I have a neighbor but something about him seems wrong. He constantly peaks on my trying to see what I do.  He doesn't understand me or the things I do. He doesn't like the way I do things, telling ME what's right and what's wrong, why does HE get to tell me what to do, in MY own room.    

My Neighbor Knows Me Too Well 

My neighbor knows what my living pattern is, what I do on a daily basis. I think I will change the way I live. I'm finally going to go outside. I think I've been in my room for about 2 years and 30-45 days, I believe that it's now 2003 or 2002. I'll go outside just once just one time to see what's changed. Soon he won't understand me, he wouldn't be able to predict this, finally i'll have the FBI off of what I do and how i do it. Ever since I made a way to make a engine run off of water the FBI has been on me constantly monitored and watched thats why I went in to hiding, and now its time, time to finally step outside for the first time in a long time.  

Don't look strange, don't look off, don’t look suspicious, don't let him know that this is my first time outside.” Hey, Sea-”, “ NO I'M FINE DON'T ASK ME NOTHIN” “ok sean ill see you later then '' I need to get inside, damn now my neighbor is on to me he knows that i've been outside now. How did he know? How could he have known that I was going to leave my house maybe he was tracking my heat signature he's been looking at me through the walls. I bet the FBI has that technology that I invented how did they get my invention. THERE IN MY HOUSE THERE IN MY HOUSE IN THE WALLS IN THE TV IN THE CEILING THERE EVERYWHERE. How do I solve this how do I fix, How do I fix, How do I fix, How do I fix this problem… theres a knocking at my door, quiet, cold, silent. “ Is there something wrong Sean? I heard you yelling are you ok ? “


What to do, the FBI is at my door, and I don't know how to get them off of my doorstep. They can see what I'm doing and how I'm doing it. Hide behind the door, open the door slowly, let him in, load the gun, show him the end of the barrel, fire,and let him indulge in the smell of the fired gunpowder. Fixed the Problem, one stain, one less problem, one less worry, another problem fixed, another sun rises, another sun sets with a moon chaser. Now that the moon has set upon the  surface of the flat grassy lands of montana, the time is ticking the gun blast was louder than a fog horn in the pitch black and any minute the police well be knocking down my door. A sense of quiet, cold, and still, so still that the earth has set still. They know they still have my heat signature. They have seen the once warm body of my neighbor turn cold. They can see my body standing over him now how does one be as cold as the unseeable night so cold that the thermal scopes don't see me.

Running To The River 

An ice cold river will do the trick, something like an old Hank Williams song. Hopefully it may be as cold as the night in the fall time when the cold sets in like a big thick blanket. Then ill complete the sinphony of my life, finally not watched not constantly looked over, and yet now its time to go, a marathon I shall run off to a land far beyond the comprehension of man. But now the marathon begins the sirens is that of the pistol that starts a race and I'm off. Now the race is off the tires screeching as I set off, fast as I can go nothing can slow me now. The tree of life is one that starts and ends with a crash as the leaves begin to fall, and finally wading in the water is ice cold almost like the feeling of the moment you open a freezer the cold hits all at once. Now the men in blue have seen my trail and have been after me but now. I know they can't see me

The author's comments:

I've always wanted to write a short story, and decided that I'd try my hand at writing a story where the main character was an insain man, and poeple just wanted to help him but he didnt understend.

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