The cure | Teen Ink

The cure

September 8, 2023
By JoshuaL83 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
JoshuaL83 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

On the 15th of march the summer baseball season starts. Everyone is excited to be reunited with their old teammates again. Jacob was really excited for the season to begin because he loves the game of baseball and enjoys playing it with his favorite teammates Edgar and Jose. Jacob has played in the league for about 2-3 years already and played with the same teammates through out most of his time in the league. When the first day of practice came, Jacob was happy to see that everyone was back. Everyone was excited to see each other and were ready to practice

The first day of practice of the season officially begun and the team started to work on some drills. There is one thing to note about this team, and that is that the coach puts his favorite people in the infield. No matter if you were really good at the infield it didn't matter to the coach. He just put the people he has been knowing for a long time and not giving the others a chance to see their skills in the infield. So, most of the time Jacob, Edgar, and Jose just played in the outfield a lot and nothing much really happens out there.  After the first practice the team seemed to be confident for their first game of the season.

When the first game of the season started, everyone was excited that game time was finally here. As always the infield was just the favorite players of the coach and the outfield was of course Jacob, Edgar, and Jose. A Lot of the time the outfielders just stood there because not a lot of balls came to them besides ground balls. So a lot of the time, they just watch the team get destroyed by the other team and can't do anything about it. The game finished with a score of 6-0. The team got destroyed in their first game and needed a lot of work to do.  When the next few practices came, they would just work on the same things. Another thing to note about the coach is that she doesn't really help practice with the team. All the coach does is talk about and shout but never really shows or helps the team with what they are doing wrong or need more help on. Jacob knew that to improve the team the coach needed to make adjustments to the infield and outfield and let other people have a try and see their skills and compare them to the other players.

When the second game of the season came they felt confident to win this one. As the game went underway, the infield kept missing ground balls and kept making errors. The coach was furious that the infielders couldn't make a play. The errors would end up making the team lose by a lot of runs they could have saved. The team started with a horrible start already with a 0-2 record to start the season. A lot of the players started losing hope until the next practice came.

When the next practice came, the coach finally decided to try other people at different positions. Everyone was shocked that she did this because usually everyone would stay in the same spot.

The coach decided to test some of the outfielders to see how they would do in the infield. To everyone's surprise the outfielders did pretty good. The coach kept moving things around and making more adjustments. The coach finally realized how to make the team better.

The day of the next game came and this time the players played different positions. Jacob was glad that he finally got the chance to see how it is playing in the infield. The coach made the right decision by moving the players to different positions because the team made less errors in the game. The team ended up winning their first game of the season and eventually made it to the finals. The coach made the right decision by moving the players in different positions to make the errors go down and save more runs for the team.  

The author's comments:

Love the game of baseball.

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