Damaged | Teen Ink


September 22, 2023
By Wemzy BRONZE, Lagos, Other
Wemzy BRONZE, Lagos, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was happy when my mum told me my elder brother would be going to the university the next day. There had been preparations but I didn't know the exact day he was going to leave. Initially, I overheard her and my dad talking about it that morning.


" Darling, I have packed Tayo's foodstuffs , I can't believe he is leaving already. I am going to miss him so much".

 I could hear the excitement in her voice and also the sadness she was feeling because he was going to leave her in the next twenty four hours.

I didn't know if my dad was really emotional or probably he was just hiding his feelings just to act strong in front of my mum after she expressed her feelings.


" Don't worry my love, I'm sure Tayo will come home frequently to see us. "

" I hope so too, anyway your food is ready, you should eat", she replied in satisfaction.


But little did they know that their sweet son was a wolf in sheep's clothing. He looked like this sweet , gentle and loving boy in their presence but in my presence he looked disgusting to me and i could strangle him if given the chance to.

I hated him so much.

My brother had been assaulting me sexually since I was 13 and he was 15. I'm 16 now so I'm sure you know his age. I despised him everyday of my life since I was 13.



 It started when I came back from school one day and I met him at home. We went to different secondary schools, his school closes before mine, so he gets home before I do. Then I heard him calling my name from his room.

" Fikayo! , come, I want to show you something".

I entered his room and I saw a man and a woman naked on his laptop. Apparently he had been watching it before I came and had pressed pause when I entered his room. 

" w-w- hat i-i-s i-i-t ? " I stuttered as I saw the video on his laptop. 

Before I could say Jack Robinson, he dragged me to his bed and began to remove his clothes. He pulled off my school uniform, removed my pant and I began to cry. I struggled with him and I felt helpless.

" Why are you doing this Tayo! , I screamed. He didn't look at me, I could see the rage in his eyes as he had his way with me. I just laid back in tears and I couldn't do anything. 

He threatened to kill me if I told anyone and I listened to him because I didn't want to die.

This had been going on and on for the past four years and I couldn't tell anyone. My parents were busy most of the time, leaving the two of us together in the house and this gave him more time to carry out his evil act.

But I was in pain and I was sad but I didn't let it show in my behaviour . I pretended to be this sweet and happy girl at home and in school

So when I heard he was going to the university, I was a little bit happy that I would be free from him. But then, I knew he was still coming back and won't be in school forever. 

I was trapped in his prison and was broken inside.Who would save me? I guess I had to accept my reality, at least for now. Who knows, I could have the balls to murder him tomorrow.

The author's comments:

This story will expose the reader's to sexual assault and sexual violence. Many teenage girls are going through this and they can't speak up to anyone. This story is an eye opener to girls and women.

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