Who are The Real Friends? | Teen Ink

Who are The Real Friends?

September 27, 2023
By Anonymous

It was the very first day of my high school year. I woke up excited to call my friends and get ready on the phone with them. I called Cassie, no answer. It went straight to voicemail. I thought to myself how weird it was that she wasn’t answering, but I ended up calling Emmalyn instead. Emmalyn’s phone went straight to voicemail as well. I then called the group chat of the three of us and they both went straight to voicemail.

Later that morning, I was on my way to school. Suddenly, I got a phone call from Emmalyn. “Hey, girly!” she said awkwardly. I replied with an awkward Hey back. She then proceeded, “So, I know I’m not on your way to school, but I was wondering if you could come pick me up. You know, since you have your license.” I was super excited and replied to her with joy, “Absolutely!” I was so excited to see her! I then called Cassie because she was on my way to Emmalyn's house and asked her if she needed a ride to school. She replied and said, “I’m already here silly! I spent the night.” I was shocked. My heart sank. I wanted to cry. “Oh, okay,” I responded. 

After I picked the girls up, they looked at me,  thanked me, and then laughed. I began to laugh with them because I had no clue what was going on. They didn’t talk to me the entire car ride, not a single word was spoken to me. The girls were in their own world and I was just their audience it seemed. The rest of the day went by smoothly. I met all of my teachers, ate a great lunch my mother packed for me, and jammed out to music on my way home in my car! I knew something was up with the girls but I didn’t think anything of it though. When I got home I immediately texted the group chat and asked how everyone’s day was. Both girls replied with one-word answers like “good” and “boring.” usually they were super enthusiastic and their answers were crazy, but maybe they were trying to be cool and mature like all of the other cool high schoolers. 

The next morning my mom was sitting on my bed, she looked upset. I woke up and asked her what the problem was and to my surprise, she said that my friends went to a concert last night and she asked why I didn’t go with them. I had no words. My feelings were so hurt but all I seemed to be was angry. I wanted to be okay, but I couldn’t help but feel like I was being left out on purpose. 

The next day at school I saw them with the concert hoodies. They went to see One Direction, my absolute favorite band. I went up to Casie and Emmalyn and confronted them about going without telling or inviting me. Cassie snapped back, “We knew you were busy and we didn't want to be a hassle,” she said. I was absolutely furious. The way she talked to me in the worst tone and her body language was so unreal. I raised my voice, “You know I love that band, you know I would make time, You didn’t even call me back, you left me out, and worst of all, you are a terrible friend! Both of you are!” They looked at me in shock but didn’t seem to care. I then stomped away and called my mother.

 My mother came to pick me up and we had ourselves a girls' day out. During the day we went shopping, got ice cream, and even went to the bookstore to find a good book for us to read together. I love my mom, she is my best friend and the number one person I can count on!

The author's comments:

This piece basically shows that you may seem like you have a good thing going with your friends, but end up realizing the people who have been there for you since day one are the ones who really matter.

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