Blue Sky | Teen Ink

Blue Sky

May 1, 2024
By azhar1 BRONZE, Kostanay, Other
azhar1 BRONZE, Kostanay, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The boy Zane had piercing blue eyes from his dad, The boy Zane had an incredibly beautiful, gentle and young mother; the boy Zane had a big and gorgeous house, the boy Zane had everything he could dream of, The boy Zane did not have a dad, he wanted to know but his mother only cried looking into his blue eyes eyes and said that their color was like the sky, the boy Zane's favorite pastime was to look at the blue sky and imagine that dad was next to him; the boy Zane grew up, but there was a house and the ghost of his mother's smile, a family appeared, a wife and a beautiful son Hope was born with blue eyes, looking into them Zane seemed to wake up; he woke up in the hospital, where nurses and doctors ran around him; the boy Zane had no home, family, kind mother, the boy Zane had an unknown uncle, a psychiatrist, and sessions, but only his favorite activity remained - looking at dad, only now he was not in heaven, but on the side in their lonely ward, the boy Zeina has hope that her mother was no longer crying looking at the blue sky in Paradise

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I hope you will like it


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