Change | Teen Ink


March 25, 2010
By Anonymous

This is only the beginning wait for more.

Natalie’s Sin

Natalie Singer was a tall, geeky looking girl of 13 with long blonde hair and deep blue eyes. Right now she is looking in mirror.
“I look ugly,” repeated Natalie “I am really ugly. My face looks bare compared to the others girls.” Natalie yelled.

“Natalie come here now!” Ms. Singer exclaimed.
“Yes mother,” Natalie slowly walked down the stairs. “Yes mother?” Natalie asked.
“Why were you yelling?” Ms. Singer asked.
“Mother my face looks bare compared to the other girls,” Natalie answered.
“You know you can’t wear makeup until your 15,” replied Ms. Singer.
Natalie slowly walked up to her room. But as she passed her mother’s room an idea struck her. She would sneak in to her mother’s room and put on some makeup. She quickly put on the makeup, said bye to her mother and was out the door.
When she got to school her friends greeted her.
“Hi, Nat.” said her friends.
Natalie greeted her friends back very grimly “Hi, Jul hi, Barb.”
“Hey, Nat what’s wrong you sound sad.” asked Barb.
“Yeah.” agreed Jul.
“Well I put on some of my mother’s makeup,” Natalie answered.
Now Jul and Barb weren’t plain girls. Jul is tall, slender, and very pretty. But she is also rich. Barb is short, pudgy, and surprisingly pretty. But she goes to school through scholarship.
Barb and Jul laughed and said “Yeah, right; you would never do that.”
“Yeah, then why does my face have makeup on it?” She shot back.
Surprisingly it felt good to talk to her friend like that.
“Uhhh….”Jul and Barb could not answer the question.
“That’s what I thought,” Natalie said. Rudely she turned around and stomped off.
The bell rung and school was normal except boys approaching her and asking her out, she turned them down each time. The bell rung, school was out, and Natalie went home. Her mother is cooking dinner, and as soon as she got to door she started to cry she quickly dried her eyes and walked in.
“Honey what’s the matter?” Her mother asked kindly.
“Nothing.” said Natalie with tears in her eyes. She didn’t look at her mother.
“Are you sure honey? Because you can tell me anything,” Her mother said.
“Yes mother I know.” Natalie said. She still didn’t look at her mother. She turned around and quickly walked up stairs.
She went in the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror she really did look pretty, even though mascara was running down her face, and it did get the attention of boys. ‘Hmm…its only 5 o’clock maybe I can run to the store and get some ice cream and makeup, a good idea’, Natalie thought. Natalie washed her makeup off and went quickly down the stairs almost running into her mother.
“Mom may I go to the store and pick up some ice cream?” Natalie asked.
“Sure pick up something we’ll both like okay,” replied Mrs. Singer, “here’s some money spend it wisely.”
“Let me go up and grab a jacket and then I will leave,” said Natalie.
She ran up stairs, she grabbed her wallet and her jacket, stuffed the money in the wallet along with her money. Then she ran down stairs kissed her mother goodbye, before going out the door. When she got outside she grabbed her bike and was off. She sped down the streets faster than she ever had before. When she made it to the store she causally walked in and grabbed chocolate chip cookie dough. Hers and moms favorite, then went to the cosmetic department and grabbed some blue and green eye shadow, pink blush, black mascara ,pink and red lipstick, and black eye liner. She took her purchases to the cashier and paid for the ice cream separately.
“Wow, first time wearing makeup?” the cashier asked. She had curiosity in her eyes.
“Yes,” Natalie replied. She quickly grabbed her purchases, “Bye.”

Natalie raced home and quickly went up stairs before her mom could see her. The next week she started to feel bad for wearing makeup without permission.
Natalie went to school as usual and saw her friends. They had gotten use to the idea of her wearing makeup and noticed every time she came to school. As soon as school let out Natalie ran home ready to tell her mother everything. But her mother met her at the door.
“Natalie Singer I need to talk to you right now,” her mother said.
“What did I do mom?” Natalie asked.

“You know perfectly well what you did,” Mrs. Singer replied. Mrs. Singer grabbed her by the hand and dragged her upstairs. “This is what you did,” she said. Pointing at the bag of makeup on my dresser, she looked at Natalie for an explanation.

“How did you find it?” Natalie asked.

“Well I was grabbing the box I asked you to pack last night; you know the one for charity. I came up here to garb it and the makeup was on the bottom shelf behind the box.” explained Mrs. Singer.

“Mom I was going to tell you today, but you found out before I had as chance to,” Natalie said. She looked at her mom hoping to convince her how sorry she was.

“Look I know you’re sorry, but you have gone to far this time. First you disobey, and then you act like you haven’t a clue what is going on,” Mrs. Singer said sternly.

“Well I know this is not going to end in my favor. So get the punishment over with,” Natalie said.
“Well first of all no privileges, all you get to do is go to school, come home and no friends either; got it” Mrs. Singer said firmly.

“Mom are you serious. No privileges,” Natalie said.
“It’s either that or nothing at all for two months instead of two weeks,” Mrs. Singer replied.
“Fine, I agree with you that sounds like a good punishment,” Natalie agreed reluctantly.

New Neighbor

As Natalie came home from school she saw a moving van in front of the neighbor’s old house. The house had been empty for an entire year.
‘I wonder if they have kids’, Natalie thought to herself.
She walked in the house and saw a guy in the kitchen laughing with her mom. She remembered her dad his name was George Singer he was a seaman. He loved it so much, but one year there was a horrible storm; he got caught in the storm and was never heard from again. Natalie was just a little girl when her dad died. It was a little weird to see another man in the house; her mother hadn’t had a guy in the house since her dad died. Except Uncle John, but that was about it. And Uncle John didn’t make her mom laugh like that.
“Mom I’m home,” Natalie said as she walked in.
“Hey sweetie this is our new neighbor, Beau Roberts. Beau and I went to high school together. He was my boyfriend and then I met your father,” Mrs. Singer.
“And he took you away from me when I about made my move,” said Beau.
“Well if you would have done it sooner than maybe I wouldn’t have dated George,” replied Mrs. Singer.
“Um, guys I’m still here. Now tell me what you want because I have home work to do,” Natalie said.
“Um, sweetheart Beau and I had something to tell you,” Mrs. Singer said.
“Ophelia let’s not tell her now,” Beau said. “Well, never mind go ahead up stairs.”
“Well nice to meet you Mr. Roberts,” Natalie started to say.
“Just call me Beau, you better go up and do your homework, I would like to speak to your mother alone. I will see you tomorrow,” Beau asked politely.
“Um… sure, mom I am heading to Beth’s house later,” Natalie said as she headed for the stairs.
As Natalie headed up the stairs she could hear the muffled voices of Beau and her mom talking.
‘I wonder what their talking about,’ Natalie thought to herself.

Back in the kitchen Beau and Mrs. Singer are talking in hushed voices.
“Beau we should have told her everything, you know that,” Mrs. Singer said in a slightly nervous tone.
“I don’t think she is ready to hear what we need to tell her, it will be a great shock to her. You know what I mean Ophelia, don’t you,” Beau said.
“I guess I do, but Beau it would have been better to tell her,” Ophelia said, “besides it is your news too.”
“It is your news too, I was not the only one involved,” Beau replied.
“I know that, but George would want us to tell her. He would have never wanted to keep this from her, ever,” Ophelia stated.
“Fine I will offer to drive her home and tell her,” Beau said, “Happy?”
“Yes,” Ophelia replied.
Will Beau and Ophelia were talking Natalie was upstairs talking to Jen on the phone.
“Yeah Jen it was so weird, I get home and I hear my mom laughing…No not at a book with our new neighbor Beau Robertson…No way, so principal Newton has retired… No I slept through the announcements this morning… I stayed up late finishing that assignment Mr. Hansen assigned us… I know it was so hard… Well I was busy this weekend helping mom finally pack up Dad’s old stuff… She has always told me she never could bear the thought of moving his stuff… It took me years to finally convince her… Well I am heading over to Beth’s house soon maybe you can come…Cool, see you at Beth’s house,” Natalie quickly ends the phone call.

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on Sep. 10 2010 at 3:49 pm
poemqueen95 BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
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