Where's the Pixie Dust? | Teen Ink

Where's the Pixie Dust?

June 6, 2010
By Anonymous

“It’s funny how someone can break your heart and you can still love them with all the little pieces.” For most 13 year old girls, their crush, boyfriend, or maybe even their best friends would come to mind when they hear those words.
For me, this is not the case.
Instead, I think of my parents. There are lots of simple differences between summer nights this year and last year for me. Last summer, I would have been listening to rap music, reading Harry Potter, and painting my nails. I would be 10 pounds heavier. The fan would be turned on high. My windows would be open so I could hear the spring peepers out by my pond. Now, fast forward to summer 2010. I’m listening to country music, writing and juggling my soccer ball. I’m 10 pounds lighter and an inch taller. My fan is on high, my windows are open.
But, instead of hearing spring peepers, I hear arguing. It’s not an everyday squabble; this is an ongoing battle of faith, trust…and yes, pixie dust. My family, in a sense, is deprived of Pixie Dust. In the simple world of Peter Pan, Pixie Dust forms the foundation of life. Without fairies, the makers of Pixie Dust, how could Peter Pan survive? Would he have met Wendy, defeated Captain Hook? Although Peter Pan is simply a fanatical bedtime story, I believe it holds relevance in everyone’s life. Think of yourself as Peter Pan, the lost boys your faithful group of friends, your soccer team, whatever you wish. But most importantly, think of Pixie Dust as love. My fairies are my parents, and they have no Pixie Dust for eachother, or for me. I don’t see how kids with divorced parents can handle it-mine are just on the brink of separation and I feel like my heart is being torn into pieces.
My mom, although she doesn’t know it, is one of my heroes. She is a truly great parent, even if I tell her otherwise. She lets me make my own decisions. I can complain about my teachers, but I can’t in school. My mom may seem easy to read, but her emotions(especially about my dad) are a complex web or orderliness.
My dad, on the other hand, is one of the coolest dads I know even if he’s protective sometimes. What dad isn’t? I’ve never been much of a daddy’s girl-more of a helper, a friend. He laughs at my jokes and we watch baseball together. Trivial little things like that deepen out bond more and more.
Although my parents aren’t definitely separating, I don’t know how I’ll get through the next few months. My parents will always have their Pixie Dust, if not for each other, for me. I will always love both of my parents, even if it breaks my heart to love them separately.

The author's comments:
I hope other kids can relate to it. I wrote it late one night, so I apolgize if theres mistakes.

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